Pulmonary Hypertension News Forums Forums COVID-19 and PH What is one positive that you will continue after lockdown?

  • What is one positive that you will continue after lockdown?

    Posted by jen-cueva on April 16, 2020 at 10:47 am

    Yesterday in a virtual visit with my therapist, we talked about the positive “new norms” that we can take from this experience. I mentioned the increase in telehealth and how this will open up doors for those who do not have access to care. For example, if a PH patient is not close to a PH center, they could use telehealth in some ways to get some of their care.

    I also think that I will be even more cautious of things that I bring into my house. Wiupingh all with Clorox wipes is probably my “new norm” after this. How about you?

    Would this be an option for you? If not, why?

    What one thing can you take from this pandemic?

    jen-cueva replied 4 years ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Colleen

    April 16, 2020 at 4:21 pm

    @jenc I do believe that there will be some permanent and positive health changes many people will maintain once this epidemic is past us. I think it has made people less gullible in believing that something like Covid-19 can’t be a threat to our modern times.

    I would like to see people remain more considerate of not just their own health, but that of others. For example, sick days are not something offered but not really meant to be used. In the future when people feel sick, I hope they will think twice before going to work or sending their children off to school.

  • jen-cueva

    April 16, 2020 at 6:18 pm

    Well said @Colleen. I, too, think many of us will continue some of these things that this brought to the surface.

    Kindness is something that I think we could always have more of in our world.

    I also hope that people will start staying home and keeping their kids home when they are sick. That is a huge issue that I even noticed back when my daughter was younger—these kids at school spreading germs. Sadly, I was told on more than one occasion by parents that they will lose their jobs if they stay home.

    We can all learn something positive from this horrible pandemic.

  • Brittany Foster

    April 17, 2020 at 7:29 am

    @jenc absolutely !! Kids NEED to stay home if they are sick. I don’t think it should be just for a fever either. Someone’s cough could be someone’s life or death situation. When I was a teacher I saw this firsthand and ended up extremely sick from someone coming to school too soon after they had the stomach bug. Well, someone’s “Stomach virus” turned into me getting meningitis and I have never been so scared for my life. The whole thing was absolutely terrible. I was transported by ambulance from my school and don’t remember much of 2 months of my life. STAY HOME if you are sick should be the protocol for everyone, not just for COVID19. Our society is so used to pushing through things. Sickness, mental illness etc. It’s like we are considered weak if we can’t immediately make a comeback. This dialogue and view of illness NEEDS to change. Strength is found within honoring our bodies, not pushing them to the limits. (AND THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK. GOODNIGHT !) hahahahaha

  • jen-cueva

    April 17, 2020 at 4:41 pm

    I am with you, Dr @brittany-foster- hehe. I think that this will change in some ways as it has opened some people’s eyes. But, others will continue to do what they do. We do need so much change in the sickness and mental health world. I think this will help move in forward.

    I love the TED talk, lol.

  • Brittany Foster

    April 18, 2020 at 8:09 am

    @jenc Doc Britt at your service here ! hahahah! I should have gone into health policy or something in college, I would have loved it. It’s so true though that so much of our focus is on how can we make money and how can we continue working. I am guilty of this myself, as you know and usually have to be reminded or forced to slow down and take a break when I am overwhelmed or not doing well physically. My brain is rewired to take slowing down as a sign of weakness too and that should NEVER be the case. But unfortunately, it’s normal in this society. Heck, they don’t even give people an appropriate amount of time off to grieve the loss of a relative . And not to mention that “relative” that passed away needs to be IMMEDIATE family and oh,they need the obituary for proof. Sad world we live in sometimes! I’m going on a rant, but these are my thoughts. This needs to change.

  • jen-cueva

    April 19, 2020 at 11:12 am

    Hey @brittany-foster, you would make an awesome doctor or anything related to medical. But, we love you for who you are now. <3

    You bring up an important point, and I, too, find myself guilty of this. Just over the weekend, I shared something about taking it slow, blah, blah, blah-HeHe. My hubby commented on it that I am the most guilty of not doing those things. I was like, who asked you?

    It is true, and we tend to want to keep ourselves, especially our minds busy. I do that that could be one reason. WE take slowing down and doing nothing as weak. Is this because this is what we do on our "worst" days? I think so!

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