30 Days of PH: Husband and Humor

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by Jen Cueva |

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Day 30 of 30 Days of PH⁣ Topic: Husband and humor ⁣ ⁣ This is Jeff’s story.⁣ ⁣ It all started approximately 11 years ago. It took doctors and medical staff 3 years to finally diagnose my beautiful wife with Pulmonary Hypertension. I remember the doctor coming into the room after her first of many heart caths and telling me she has PH. At first, I was thinking, hypertension, yeah that can be treated fairly easy. Only because I didn't know anything about PH. It is a very cruel illness to the patients who have it along with their loved ones. ⁣ ⁣ My wife is as tough as they come. The day that was diagnosed with PH, she took the news and never missed a step in her daily stride! She tackles it every day, but never lets it get her down! Heck, She mows the yard all summer with a self-propelled lawnmower. She usually does this while I'm at work. I often threaten to remove something on the mower so it won't start, because it scares when I hear that she has mowed. Knowing her, she would go borrow one. When she sets her mind to do something, she gives it 110%. ⁣ ⁣ But friends let me tell you, this lady will not let PH get her down. She absolutely refuses to let it! This is just one of the many reasons that I love her! We make road trips every six months for her to see her specialists. By the way, I won't name any names, but the doctors, nurses, and staff where she goes are OUT OF THIS WORLD AWESOME! ⁣ ⁣ During our 300-mile, one-way trip, she isn't all doom and gloom and worried. Heck, we have singing concerts in the car. She walks into every appointment with her head held high and like she owns the place! My wife takes every bit of info given to her, whether it is good or bad news, and makes absolutely the best out of it. She amazes me EVERY day. Because she wakes up every morning and takes on this awful illness with her head held high and her boxing gloves on! Friends, let me tell you something, this person who I am referring to as my wonderful awesome wife, who I truly and dearly love is Elizabeth Cherry. ⁣ #30daysofPH #husbandhumor ⁣ ⁣ ⁣

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