Patricia Inácio, PhD,  science writer—

Patricia holds her PhD in cell biology from the University Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, and has served as an author on several research projects and fellowships, as well as major grant applications for European agencies. She also served as a PhD student research assistant in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Columbia University, New York, for which she was awarded a Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD) fellowship.

Articles by Patricia Inácio

PAH Drug, Riociguat, Found Not to Alter the Effectiveness of Oral Contraceptives

Riociguat treatment administered at steady state (2.5 mg, three times a day) to women with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) did not alter the effectiveness of oral contraceptives or make their use unsafe, researchers reported. The study, “Pharmacokinetic interaction study between riociguat and the combined oral contraceptives levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol in…

Targeting miRNA-214 May Decrease Cell Proliferation in PAH, Study Reports

A microRNA, called miR-214, promotes excessive cellular proliferation in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), and decreasing its expression may significantly impair phenotype changes in the lung vasculature in PAH, researcher report.The study, “MEF2C-MYOCD and Leiomodin1 Suppression by miRNA-214 Promotes Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotype Switching in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension,” was published…

Pulmonary Vasodilator Monotherapy in PAH Improves Exercise Capacity, Study Reports

Monotherapy given to patients with congenital heart defects associated with pulmonary arterial hypertension, or PAH-CHD, improved their exercise capacity more than a combined therapy, researchers report. The study, “Effect of dual pulmonary vasodilator therapy in pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with congenital heart disease: a retrospective analysis,” was published in the journal Open…

Hypothyroidism, a Thyroid Condition, Found in Almost Half of IPH Patients in Study

Researchers recently investigated the link between thyroid gland function and idiopathic pulmonary hypertension, finding subclinical hypothyroidism in almost half of patients observed. The study, “Assessment of Thyroid Function in Idiopathic Pulmonary Hypertension,” was published in the Research in Cardiovascular Medicine journal. Idiopathic pulmonary hypertension is a rare and ultimately fatal…

Men with SSc-associated PAH Seen to Both Develop and Advance in Disease More Quickly Than Women

In a large study investigating the impact of sex in systemic sclerosis-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (SSc-PAH), a team of researchers analyzed a cohort of Canadian patients and found that the male gender is associated with shorter PAH disease duration and increased burden of SSc disease, although it does not independently impact SSc-PAH survival.

PAH Patients with Anti-U1 RNP Antibodies Better Protected Against Worst Aspects of Disease

People with connective tissue disease (CTD) and systemic sclerosis-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) who are positive for anti-U1 RNP antibodies have better chances of longer-term survival. The study, “Characteristics and Survival of Anti–U1 RNP Antibody–Positive Patients With Connective Tissue Disease–Associated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension,” was published in the journal…

Cell-based Therapy Tested in First PHS Patient Study

In a new study entitled “Endothelial NO-Synthase Gene-Enhanced Progenitor Cell Therapy for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: The PHACeT Trial,” researchers performed the first human trial to investigate the therapeutic potential of endothelial progenitor cells in repairing the damaged vessels in pulmonary arterial hypertension patients who have failed to…

PAH Patients Exhibit Skeletal Muscle Abnormalities; Underlying Mechanisms Remain Unknown

In a new study entitled “Signaling pathways underlying skeletal muscle wasting in experimental pulmonary arterial hypertension,” researchers investigated the potential mechanisms underlying patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension characteristic skeletal muscle abnormalities. The researchers identified that muscle loss is prompted by accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondrias and ineffective removal of damaged…