In Life With PH – a Column by Serena Lawrence

In Life with PH Serena Lawrence graduated from the University of Waterloo in 2012, earning an honors degree in fine arts. After she was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension in 2013 she started the blog called The PHight or Flight Project where she began freelance writing and curating guest writer content. Serena enjoyed a good cup of tea, little adventures, and her Boston terrier named Sammy. In her "In Life With PH" column, Serena explored the challenges she faced in living with the disease, and sought to connect with other PH patients to gain insights into how to support the ongoing effort to better treat and eventually cure pulmonary hypertension. She also served as the head of columns for BioNews, the publisher of this website. Serena passed away in September 2018. Click here to read more about her legacy.

Thoughts About Life Expectancy and Hope

I’ve previously discussed the moment that a pulmonary hypertension (PH) specialist waltzed into an examination room and slapped an expiration date on my back like a carton of milk. Unfortunately, this day  probably will be etched in my mind forever. I was so dumbfounded that I…

The Blossom Tree and the Ice Storm

I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension over three years ago, toward the end of a cold December. It was only a couple of days after my diagnosis that a giant winter storm hit the town that I live in. Prior to this, winter storms had…

‘Wiggle Your Big Toe’

I was flipping through TV channels the other evening and came across one of the most motivational parts of “Kill Bill: Volume 1.” If you are a Quentin Tarantino fan, you may already know what scene I am referring to. The Bride has awakened from a coma-like state…

Thanks and Goodbye, for Now

As you may have gathered from the title, this column will probably be my last one — although never say never. I’ve really enjoyed my time with Pulmonary Hypertension News, and am sad to leave such a wonderful team. This opportunity helped me discover how much I enjoy…

Tips for Preparing for the Holidays, Part Two

In continuation from last week’s column, here are my remaining tips to help prepare for the holidays while living with pulmonary hypertension. 4. Watch what you eat The holidays make it difficult to stick to the meal plan you find best for your health and lifestyle. Dietary…

Six Tips for Getting a Better Night’s Sleep

  Sleep is one of our body’s most vital functions. Living with pulmonary hypertension makes sleep that much more important, and sometimes more difficult. I always have struggled with insomnia, and it only became worse after being diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. I’ve had many nights tossing, turning and…

20 Inspirational Quotes to Help Fuel You

Have you ever heard any quotes that helped shift your perspective for the rest of the day? Those type of quotes can help fuel our soul and spirit to get through the most challenging of days. Living with pulmonary hypertension can often feel like a roller coaster, full…

Seven Life Hacks for Living with Pulmonary Hypertension

Living with pulmonary hypertension can require some adjustments in your routines. Once I was diagnosed, it became clear that my daily routine would have to be adjusted. Suddenly little things I never thought twice about became a challenge, and even an obstacle sometimes. But there are shortcuts, or…