
What Do a Jet Fighter and a PAH Fighter Have in Common?

Answer: resilience. Randolph Reynolds is geared up and ready to fly an F-105 in 1978. (Courtesy of Randolph Reynolds) Randolph Reynolds, 81, had an amazing career as a jet fighter and instructor pilot in the United States Air Force, flying magnificent aircraft like the F-105 Thunderchief and F-4D Phantom…

How to Build Your Mental Health First Aid Kit

Last month I struggled with my mental health more than usual. My anxiety was out of control. I recognized that I needed more help and went to see a psychiatrist my primary care physician had suggested a few times. She ordered a few medications at a low dose. But…

How a Friend Inspired Me to Be Proud of My Disability

After my bloodwork a few weeks ago, I stopped by a local 7-Eleven to grab an iced coffee. I parked and went in. An older man came in behind me and said, “Do you know you’re parked in handicapped? You’ll get a ticket.” I turned around, oxygen cannula and all,…

How PTSD Has Affected My Self-care

My son Cullen is 22, and I’ve been his primary advocate and caregiver for 14 of those years. I’ve seen him through pulmonary hypertension (PH) and heart and double-lung transplant recovery, and I continue to support him as he approaches eight years post-transplant next month. You would think…