
Conserving My Energy as the Pandemic Persists

The pandemic has been especially hard on people with disabilities, chronic illness, and rare diseases. Our community has faced ongoing ableist attitudes toward safety measures and protocols meant to keep disabled, immunocompromised, and other high-risk individuals protected from a pandemic with a death toll in the United States…

A Struggle With PH and Comorbidities

Living with pulmonary hypertension (PH) requires a great deal of self-awareness and analysis to distinguish between PH symptoms and treatment side effects. This effort becomes even more challenging when comorbidities come into play. Roger Bliss, a Pulmonary Hypertension News forums member, provides an example of such challenges. He…

How My Dog Benefits My Health

My family loved dogs before I even came into the picture. My parents’ first child was a golden retriever named Sadie. Although I don’t remember her, she lives on through our family’s dog stories. The first dog I remember properly, the one I’d consider my childhood pet, was Chester. We…

10 Lessons PH Has Taught Me in the Past 17 Years

I’ll never forget the day I knew something was wrong with my body. It was sending me warnings. The symptoms included increased shortness of breath from minor activities like talking, presyncope, which is the sensation of nearly fainting, heart palpitations, and swelling in my abdomen and lower extremities. I…

Indulging in Some Complementary Therapy

Did you know that since 1995, we have designated Feb. 6 as “Pay a Compliment Day” in the U.S.? Adrienne Koopersmith was inspired to create it when the bus she was on picked up someone who was nowhere near a stop but in obvious need of a ride. Koopersmith…

Why I Make an Effort to Keep Up Appearances

By the end of my freshman year of college, it had become a bit of a joke that I would never be caught around campus in sweatpants. While my roommates and peers relished the university lifestyle of casual clothing, I was rarely seen in anything other than a fully put-together…

New Year, Same Chronically Ill Me

Ever since I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension (PH) in 2017, I have hated this time of year. I refuse to make any resolutions, and I usually take some time away from social media to avoid looking at everyone else’s personal rebrandings. I’ve given…

Pets Can Help Care for the Caregivers

Three of my family members are very high maintenance. They rely on me for just about everything, and whine if I don’t help them right away. They constantly do things that distract me from my responsibilities and have no sense of personal space. Ours might sound like a toxic relationship,…

Thyroid Disease Played a Prominent Role in My PH Journey

In 19 years of living with pulmonary hypertension (PH), the period of greatest illness I experienced was during my sophomore year in college. It was the only time in college that I was unable to live independently on campus and had to commute from my parents’ home nearby. About four…