
To Cry or Not to Cry, That Is the Question

Being a caregiver for a child with pulmonary hypertension (PH) can wreak havoc on one’s emotions on any given day. But during the holiday season, the heartache and stress can make even the strongest person teeter on the edge of an emotional collapse. It…

I Don’t Know What You’re Going Through, but I Do Care

“I know what you’re going through.” For someone who is physically or emotionally hurting, these words often fall short in providing comfort. Although our experiences might be similar, how we get through them may be very different due to many factors, such as personality, values, religion, family, friends, age, economic…

Being Aware of Hope Is Half the Battle

A certain responsibility comes with being diagnosed with a rare disease. Because we know the details of our illnesses best, it is up to us to educate the world about them, so that greater knowledge and investment can be brought to our communities. This leaves me wondering what story I…

We Followed Our Dreams and Moved to California

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” — John D. Rockefeller Recently, my husband, Manny, and I made a big life decision by selling our home in Texas and relocating to San Diego. This was always our dream, but we never thought it…

How Our Stories Can ‘Spark Awareness’ of PH in Congress

I’m grabbing the megaphone to raise awareness and advocate for pulmonary hypertension (PH). And I invite you to join me. Through advocacy, we’re able to make changes in the United States’ democratic system of governance. I believe change begins with the advocates and the storytellers who share their lived experience…

When You’re Both a PH Patient and a Caregiver

Since my son, Cullen, was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension (PH) in 2008, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know many people in the PH community. One thing I’ve seen that a patient and a caregiver have in common is how willing each is to extend emotional support…

Managing Acute Stress in the Days Before a Procedure

As I prepare for a small diagnostic procedure this week, I’m noticing that my anxiety has skyrocketed. This is happening for two reasons. The first is that I have a full memory bank of physically uncomfortable and painful procedures that have made me quite sensitive. My years with illness have…