
Rewiring My Mind by Focusing on Pride

My mind once seemed wired to focus on parts of me I wish I could change. Most of my life, I struggled to accept my reflection in the mirror. I spent a lot of time hoping for the scars to fade and the fluid retention to dissipate. I tore…

Treatment Cost Worries Make It Harder to Focus on My Health

Living with a chronic illness or rare disease definitely comes with a price tag. There are added expenses related to medical equipment and devices, doctors’ appointments, tests and procedures, and of course, the cost of prescription drugs, which can really pile up month after month. I remember feeling incredibly frustrated…

New Accommodations, Same Destination

The need for adaptation in my life began so quietly I often didn’t notice the accommodations I required. I started dancing at a young age, and at the end of each dance season, we had a big recital with different costumes for each performance. This created a problem when considering…

Celebrating 2 Years of This Column and Working From Home

Let’s celebrate! Come on, y’all, join me. Now, are you curious what we’re celebrating? This week, I celebrate two years of writing my column, “Worth the PHight.” I’ve mentioned before that I started this column to offer hope to the pulmonary hypertension (PH) community. This is still true. And…

From PH Mom to Registered Nurse: A Story of Love and Determination

Nurses are remarkable people. My respect for them has grown significantly throughout my son’s pulmonary hypertension (PH) and transplant journey. Their job requires important skills, intelligence, patience, persuasiveness, compassion, energy, emotional control, a strong stomach — the list is endless. And I can’t think of a more suitable person to…

I’m Celebrating 22 Years of Survival and Counting

On May 21, I celebrated 22 years of survival. On that day many years ago, I underwent a heart catheterization. Halfway through, doctors came out to inform my parents that the only diagnosis option was pulmonary hypertension (PH). My parents had previously been told that this was the worst-case…