
Let’s Talk About Sex and Chronic Illness, Baby

Save the Date: Feb. 11, 2021, at 7 p.m. ET. Join @pulmonaryhypertensionnews on Instagram Live for a live Q&A about sex with chronic illness and PH. The event is called “Sex on PHire – Sex Talk with Britt Foster.” Join Britt Foster and host Ally Macgregor as we discuss…

How PH Changed My Relationship With My Body

Having a chronic illness can affect a person’s relationship with their body. It can feel like their body has let them down because it’s not working exactly how it should. Before I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension (PH), I used to love…

A Positive Perspective on Gaming and Your Health

I have read articles claiming that playing video games excessively can increase the risk of health problems. Instead, they encourage children to go outside and play, and adults to hit the gym. That sounds like solid advice for healthy individuals, but for those battling serious illnesses, video games can provide…

Learning to Let Go of the Negativity in My Life

As I was watching the timeless movie “Pretty Woman,” I was struck by something Julia Robert’s character, Vivian, said: “People put you down enough you start to believe it. … The bad stuff is easier to believe.” She’s right. Hurtful words have left emotional scars in my mind. It has…

What Is Your Identity Outside of Patient or Caregiver?

My son Cullen was 8 when he was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension (PH). During his pediatric PH years, I had the pleasure of meeting other children just like him. Kids who liked to have fun, learn new things, and express themselves through talents they were just discovering. Young people who…

Learning to Laugh at Embarrassing Medical Moments

Being human makes everyone susceptible to embarrassing moments. Some have learned to deal with them by laughing at themselves. Facepalm-worthy fumbles happen, even when dealing with something as serious as a rare disease. Medical faux pas might sound like no laughing matter, but in my experience, they can offer comic…