
Feeling Frustrated With Myself During a Simple MRI

I’m lying on a frigid and tiny table that appears to have shrunk since last time. The technician tells me the MRI will take about half an hour. Thankfully, she locates me a nice, warm blanket. I am already freezing and shivering. Finally, my body moves slowly but surely…

Practicing Self-care While Working From Home

A few years ago, if someone asked me to describe what self-care meant, images of long baths and DIY face masks would have sprung to mind. But since my diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension (PH), my understanding of self-care has changed dramatically. For those with chronic illnesses,…

Take Care of the Aging Caregiver

Why do some people look younger the older they get? Not me! I turned 49 yesterday, but the woman in the mirror looks much older. I recently read an article that compared pictures of U.S. presidents from the year they were sworn in to the year they left the…

Learning to Live Fully Despite Recurring Trauma

Alex Karev, a fictional doctor on the TV series “Grey’s Anatomy,” once said, “Trauma always leaves a scar. … It changes our lives. Trauma messes everybody up, but maybe that’s the point. All the pain and the fear, … maybe going through all of that is what keeps us…

Let’s Take a Ride: Pushing My Boundaries

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” — Albert Einstein After I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension (PH), I wanted to live my best life. But because of waxing and waning symptoms, I haven’t pushed my boundaries as much. I have…

Taking a Personalized Approach to Pain Management

Did you know that September was Pain Awareness Month? This year, the U.S. Pain Foundation’s awareness campaign focused on encouraging people to develop a personalized pain management plan. With my pulmonary hypertension (PH) and coexisting illnesses, developing my own pain management plan has been somewhat complicated. But I am…

PH Often Prevents Me From Getting Quality Sleep

Everyone feels the effects of a bad night’s sleep. But for those with chronic illness, sleepless nights can be debilitating. Since being diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension (PH), I have found that if I sleep poorly, I struggle to function, which can make surviving a day at…

Maintaining a Healthy Relationship Between Doctor and Patient

One-sided relationships are unhealthy, so why have one with your doctor? It’s important for both patient and doctor to be committed to establishing an open, honest, and respectful rapport. From pediatric care to adult care, I have guided and encouraged my own son to initiate healthy bonds with his medical…

Overcoming My Fear of Being Judged

A while back, I posted in the PH News Forums about my fear of judgment. I wrote about living with PH and feeling like I am being judged. At times, I feel like a reality star. I picture the TMZ crew and paparazzi following me around. In reality, I…