
The Three Words That I Find Most Difficult to Say

If I asked you which three words you find most difficult, how would you answer? Some may say, “I love you.“ Others may say, “there’s no cure.” But “I need help” are the three most difficult words for me to say, maybe because I’ve never been one to ask…

How to Survive a Medical Move

It was a bittersweet experience when my parents sold my childhood home. I grew up and left for college, and my parents were moving into the home of their dreams — life was moving forward as it should. But packing up memories and leaving the familiar hallowed halls of my…

It’s Important to Be Your Own Health Advocate

Before I got sick I thought doctors knew everything. I thought doctors would know exactly what to do if I was ever unwell, and that I could just mindlessly follow their advice. My experience with chronic illness couldn’t be more different. I remember the first time…

How to Become Obsessed with Survival

Among the many challenges of living with a life-threatening condition are the daily demands it places on both the patient and the caregivers. A life-threatening illness isn’t something one can push to the back of the mind. Every day, people face the need to assess and address myriad symptoms, side…

How COVID-19 Is Shining a Light on Ableism

Society doesn’t make it easy for people with disabilities and health conditions, including in the workplace. Historically, people with disabilities have struggled to hold down jobs. People with pulmonary hypertension (PH) rarely work full time, as it can be physically…

Tips for Battling Bronchitis When You Have PH

I attempt to take a deep breath, but tightness squeezes my chest. Pain follows, as if someone is crushing not only my lungs but my ribs, too. I woke up the Friday before Memorial Day to this overwhelming yet familiar scenario. Because of pulmonary hypertension (PH), I also battle…

Why I Speak For Cullen

The lyrics in Natalie Merchant’s song “Wonder” make me think of my son, Cullen: “Newspapers ask intimate questions / Want confessions / They reach into my head / To steal the glory of my story.” Not that there is glory in living with pulmonary hypertension (PH) or receiving a…

Juggling Health Admin and a Full-time Job

Sometimes I feel like having a health condition is a full-time job. I also have a “real” full-time job. Before I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension (PH), I never considered how much admin would be involved in having a serious health…