Worth the PHight - a Column by Jen Cueva

workplace, fear, interview, less is more, unique, covid-19 Jen is a columnist and forum moderator for Pulmonary Hypertension News Today. Jen worked in nursing before the script changed upon her diagnosis of PH in 2005. Advocating and meeting those with PH has always been an essential part of her life. Her passion is to instill hope and remind others in the PH community that they are not alone. In her weekly column, she delves into the roller coaster of emotions that come along with PH. Having this opportunity to play a role in helping others become more informed and educated so they are more empowered in their journey is meaningful and powerful for her. Jen lives in Southern California with her husband. Together, we PHight stronger.

With PH, Every Day Brings Another Roll of the Dice

When I describe my pulmonary hypertension (PH) as stable, many think it means that I’m in remission. They don’t comprehend that, while my numbers may be stable, I still have PH. I continue to experience symptoms, require oxygen, and PHight daily. Those of us with rare, chronic illnesses celebrate when…

How to Build Your Mental Health First Aid Kit

Last month I struggled with my mental health more than usual. My anxiety was out of control. I recognized that I needed more help and went to see a psychiatrist my primary care physician had suggested a few times. She ordered a few medications at a low dose. But…

How a Friend Inspired Me to Be Proud of My Disability

After my bloodwork a few weeks ago, I stopped by a local 7-Eleven to grab an iced coffee. I parked and went in. An older man came in behind me and said, “Do you know you’re parked in handicapped? You’ll get a ticket.” I turned around, oxygen cannula and all,…

In Memory of a Special PHriend, With Gratitude

Last month, I lost a friend within my rare disease community, pulmonary hypertension (PH). PH continuously takes with no regard for anyone or anything. It wasn’t the first time and won’t be the last time I’ve lost, but it hurts. Since my PH diagnosis 17 years ago, I’ve…

Finding a Way to Address Mental Health Setbacks

Lately, I’ve realized I’m in a funk and don’t know how long I’ve been going through this season of my life. I feel overwhelmed. But is it connected to my cross-country move last year? Or perhaps I continue to struggle after recovering from COVID-19.  I…

Searching for a New Care Team Proves Challenging

As I searched for a new primary care physician (PCP) in March, I learned that finding my new healthcare team after relocating across the country would prove challenging. The first potential candidate spent three hours going over my medical background with me, only to inform me that my health…

‘Wine Down’ and Join Me in Promoting Self-care

Life after a pulmonary hypertension (PH) diagnosis is stressful. As a Type A personality, I’ve often defined my worth by my productivity. But since my PH diagnosis, I am now working to prioritize my health. We live in a society that praises productivity. Hustle culture is encouraged across social…

How PH Affects My Sexuality

My husband, Manny, and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary in March. If you know anything about my pulmonary hypertension (PH) journey, you know that 17 years have been with PH. That means that Manny has shared me with PH for over half of our marriage. Although I’m grateful…

Despite PH, I Continue to Set and Achieve Goals

It’s no secret that life turned upside down for my family and me when I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension (PH) in 2005. But my life was far from over; I still craved so much. My chronic illness may prevent me from achieving goals I once had, but I can…

Never Stop Being Your Best Advocate With PH

Patient advocacy is a broad term covering many topics, and the concept leaves many confused. Those of us in the pulmonary hypertension (PH) community must educate ourselves about it. In this column, I primarily refer to self-advocacy and briefly touch on systems advocacy. To me, self-advocacy means making my…

10 Lessons PH Has Taught Me in the Past 17 Years

I’ll never forget the day I knew something was wrong with my body. It was sending me warnings. The symptoms included increased shortness of breath from minor activities like talking, presyncope, which is the sensation of nearly fainting, heart palpitations, and swelling in my abdomen and lower extremities. I…