Pulmonary Hypertension News Forums Forums 6 PH-Friendly Date Ideas

  • 6 PH-Friendly Date Ideas

    Posted by Kathleen Sheffer on March 7, 2018 at 6:28 pm

    As much as we might love “Netflix and chill” dates, sitting on the couch watching TV can get old. But pulmonary hypertension often makes patients too tired to do anything else. Here are some alternative ideas for fun dates, even when you’re fatigued.

    Game Night

    Learn a card game or board game together. This is also a great option when inviting friends over for a night in.

    Borrow a Wheelchair

    Museums, aquariums, zoos, and other attractions often lend wheelchairs to visitors. Have your date push you around, or push the wheelchair yourself and only sit in it when you need to take a rest. Sometimes you’ll get special treatment or access to areas closed to the public.

    Spa Party

    Do some self-care together. Try on face masks, soak your feet and give each other massages. If taking a shower is exhausting, plan to get cozy and nap after. 

    Do Laundry

    Yes, do laundry together! You and your date can make this chore fun, and he or she can help you do the heavy-lifting. Listen to music while you fold clothes together. You’ll feel productive, and get to chat while you do it. If you live separately, offer to help him or her next time.

    Take a Walk

    Take a late night stroll when streets aren’t crowded. The cool evening air can be energizing. Go slow. It’s nice to get outside, even if you don’t go far.

    Take a Drive

    Drive to a scenic place. Sit and talk in the car, or bring a picnic to enjoy at your destination.

    PH doesn’t have to put a damper on your dating life. Going out to dinner, getting drinks at a bar, or dancing at a concert might require too many spoons most days. But there are alternative ways to enjoy your sweetie’s company, even on a bad PH day. Chronic illness requires creativity, and your date will appreciate a chance to slow down and do something different!

    What are your favorite PH-friendly dates?

    Kathleen Sheffer replied 6 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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