• Have You Used THC or CBD therapies?

    Posted by Brittany Foster on January 23, 2019 at 7:58 pm

    Although it is always recommened to talk to our doctors before starting anything new, I was wondering if anyone has experience with CBD products or oils that have helped them or THC products like gummies or edibles.

    Does anyone have their medical card for purchasing CBD or THC prodcuts where it is legalized? Have you had any positive effects from the CBD or THC. I am by no means saying that it will treat PH, but I am curious about the effects on digestion, pain management, headaches, appetite. Etc? What benefits have you noticed or what adverse effects have you noticed ? If you’re comfortable enough, please share your experience here.

    Brittany Foster replied 5 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Janet Barry

    January 24, 2019 at 10:21 am

    I have my card for back pain and purchased capsules (which were so strong I felt dizzy). Only tried them once. I do have the under the tongue drops. I used one drop (no result) went to two drops (again too strong. I see my prescriber in two weeks, hopefully he will have a suggestion. I had a radiofrequency ablation on three lumbar vertebrae. I was just getting the point where I felt that the RFA had helped, when I fell and landed on my tail bone. Boy did that hurt. Had x-rays yesterday to be sure there were no fractures. I feel very depressed because I am set back and my pain is worse than before the RFA.

    • Brittany Foster

      January 24, 2019 at 1:59 pm

      I am so sorry to hear that. I know how hard setbacks can be. Especially when it seems like you have taken a couple steps forward and then life throws you a curveball! This sounds like a pretty painful curveball though. I hope they are able to figure out a strength that works for you or maybe even an edible with a different amount of THC in it or they even have some with combined THC and CBD that might not be as strong. Keep me posted on how things are going. Hopefully it only gets better from here for you. Sending you lots of love !

  • Tien Nguyen

    January 24, 2019 at 3:42 pm

    Hi Brittany, okay so I’ve tried many different combos of cbd and thc and various methods of putting it in my blood stream. From vape pens, oils, rubs, tincture, drops, pills, and of course edibles. So I can positively say that I have no idea on the effectiveness but it sure was fun trying everything lol. On a serious note. The cbd is what helps with my pain but I couldn’t tell if it worked cuz I didn’t feel anything but I guess that’s the point(not to feel anymore pain) so that took me awhile to figure out. As for thc, depending on the dosage. I would just get high and feel relaxed. And depending on your precerence, there’s so many ways to ingest it. I like the vape pens. The one thing that really stood out for me was the taste. Cbd taste nasty so they mix it with usually Olive oil which makes it oily and nasty but it does take away my pains. The Thc is supposed to be tasteless but they add things like chamomile or lavender oil to give it a taste. And yep the thc will get you on cloud 9 real quick. Bottom line is, you just gotta try to see if you like it or not. For me, it’s a plus:)

    • Brittany Foster

      January 24, 2019 at 7:31 pm

      That’s awesome that you found something that works for you. With a vape pen, does that have some effects on the lungs since its going into the lungs? Do the doctors know that you vape it? I’d be interested in trying the CBD but would probably do the drops or gummies of CBD. I think I would probably have to play around with the dosage to figure out what works for me and what doesn’t. Thank you for your feedback with this!

    • Christopher Cassata Bobby Shows

      March 20, 2019 at 5:47 pm

      If I may interject here? I can put you on a much healthier path for use of Medical MJ and CBD and current technology. If you have any breathing lung or other major issues. Do not wet vape. Wet vape is using oils and or dabs or even CBD in this manner. That vegetable oil when heated to the necessary temp to vape is not healthy for long term use. Plus we do not have the proper studies yet on long term effects. Edible use is only one prong of the triad, (Edibles, Flower, Tinctures). Do your research and try to find a “low temperature dry vape.”
      Also with CBD buy only pure crystal and use the little tiny spoon they give you! It’s odorless, tasteless and can be put in anything you drink or eat. Don’t vape it. Much healthier and much easier dosing. Just a tony sprinkle of the pure crystal and you are good for a day…unless you are rather severely ill and require multiple doses a day. I hope this helps. I am always willing to chat.

      • Brittany Foster

        March 20, 2019 at 6:21 pm

        Thank you for the input on this Christopher. I have read so much about the dangers of vaping and I know that it definitely wouldn’t be good for those of us with lung conditions ! If I were to try CBD products or THC I would probably do it as an edible (when I am able to eat again)

  • Jon Berry

    March 12, 2019 at 7:45 am

    I am 52 years old and have been using cannabis since I was a teenager. In my mid twenties, I realized I could not smoke, so I began making candies with real maple syrup. It becomes hard after being simmered for approximately 10 minutes (for specific directions, feel free to contact me). Anyway, now days I don’t use it as much, but I prefer to make tinctures which I use sublingually. Generally, I look for a cannabis strain with a high cbd to thc ratio. The most ‘therapeutic” effect is that it helps me to relax and lowers any anxiety I may have. Any questions, I’m happy to answer the best I can.

    • Brittany Foster

      March 12, 2019 at 1:22 pm

      Thank you so much for this information Jon. My cousin has his medical license and buys them as edibles and uses the oils to make things like brownies and cookies and it has the calming effect for him too. His ADHD used to be extreme but it really helps him to relax and focus. My cardiologist actually recommended it to me for pain too and I’m going to have to ask about how to get my card so it can be “legal” for me to have. I wouldn’t be able to smoke it, given the lung condition. But edibles might be helpful for me or taking something in a sublingual form so it’s faster acting and doesn’t “throw me off” by surprise lol!

  • Chris LaRose Mev

    March 12, 2019 at 4:16 pm

    SO i’ve ordered a CBD Oil recommended by a PH’r from a FB group; i’m expecting this week. Of course what helps for her may not for me, we’ll see. i’m interested in getting my med mj card in NY, but don’t know where to start. i’ve heard you have to pay a hefty charge just to get the Rx and then the cost of the product too; not covered by Medicare either. i’m hoping i don’t have to go that route and that the oil will help with the side effects of the strong PH meds i’m on, ie, headaches, body pain, anxiety, diarrhea, flushing, etc. i take a lot of Rx’s for these and i’d prefer using CBD if it works. Any pholks familiar with the legal med state process?


    • Brittany Foster

      March 12, 2019 at 4:29 pm

      Hey Chris,
      I’m not sure on the legality of MJ but I’m pretty sure each state is different. Maybe a google search about the specifics in NY word be worth looking into or even asking a doctor where to go about getting the information for your state because I’m pretty sure they play a part in filling out certain documentation. I’m hoping that the product you ordered works well for you as it did the other person in the support group. Keep us posted on any benefits you get from it! I would give it a good week and then report back because I don’t think the effects take right away! At least I don’t think it’s instant anyways from what I’ve heard from others (maybe they had a lower strength too though) But either way I’d be so curious in knowing how it goes for you.

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