• Gums, Teeth, and Oral Hygiene

    Posted by Brittany Foster on April 1, 2019 at 12:50 pm

    If you’re anything like me, you really don’t like going to the dentist. I have my teeth cleaned twice a year. Last year when I went to a heart conference I learned that oral hygiene plays a big role in heart health and making sure that we don’t develop a type of inflammation of the heart caused by an infection in the mouth. For as long as I can remember during teeth cleanings I have to take an antibiotic to protect my heart and use it as preventative medicine and lower the risk of infection.

    I know that sometimes, with all the medications we take as PH patients, the effects of dry mouth, we may notice changes in our teeth, gums, tongue, and saliva production. Recently one of our members mentioned to me the annoying side effect of gum swelling that she has been dealing with. I have also noticed some swelling of the gums that seems to get worse when my mouth is dry. Not sure if there is a connection but wondering what other people’s experiences have been like.

    Do you take an antibiotic before seeing the dentist? Have you noticed any changes in your dental health such as gum changes, changes in your teeth, tongue, etc ? Has your dentist or doctors suggested anything that can help with these side effects?

    Brittany Foster replied 5 years ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Libby

    April 3, 2019 at 6:12 pm

    I haven’t noticed any changes in my dental health, however I too have ALWAYS taken antiobiotics before any dental stuff is done. Also, now that I have a Melody valve in, my surgeon told me it is absolutely crucial that I get my teeth cleaned regularly as my new valve is a magnet for bacteria where there is scar tissue. I have to say I am terrible about dental cleanings. I take great care of my teeth at home but I probably only get a cleaning once a year or less…

    • Brittany Foster

      April 4, 2019 at 8:29 am

      I was like that too! After I had my bypass graft put in, they actually wanted me to wait a year before getting my teeth cleaned just to avoid any possible complications because even with the antibiotics it’s still scary thinking about the risk of infection! I just started going to a new dentist office and they are all really good and took a thorough medical history and checked my records. They always reach out to the cardiologist before visits to check if I’m okay to go and get the antibiotics ordered. Did you have to wait a certain amount of time before going to the dentist after your new valve?

  • Robin Taylor

    April 4, 2019 at 11:39 am

    Hi Brittany! Yep, I’m in this boat too, four huge amoxicillin horse pills (lol) a half hour before any dental procedure as a preventative. I have two hip replacements. As of last summer, one year after starting PH meds, I have deep sockets that need deep cleaning every 4-6 months. Never had any problems before, so is it my age (57) or the meds? I have started using a water pic and have had a better exam.

    • Brittany Foster

      April 4, 2019 at 3:52 pm

      Hey Robin,
      They have been using the water pic on me too which does make a difference in the amount of blood that I have during exams ! Especially with years I’ve been on blood thinning medications the blood would just be outrageous for a tiny cut between the gums lol I’d always feel so weird after because of all the blood I had to spit out in the dentist sink (GROSS!!!) and I know those horse pill antibiotics all too well! They really are HUGE pills !

  • Libby

    April 8, 2019 at 7:53 pm

    I had to wait 3 to 6 months after the valve replacement to get my teeth cleaned!

    • Brittany Foster

      April 9, 2019 at 8:46 am

      Hey Libby, Yes! I had to wait a bit too. They were being very cautious with mine and I was so scared to go with knowing why they held me back from going. I took those antibiotics like NOTHING right before to prevent the infections LOL! They’re the largest pill to swallow but way better than chewing them up when I was younger I remember them tasting like chalk! I would cringe and shake as I took them ! It’s giving me the shivers just thinking about it.

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