Pulmonary Hypertension Association Receives Top Rating Evaluation By Charity Navigator

The Pulmonary Hypertension Association (PHA), for the 12th consecutive year, has received a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator — the premier evaluator of charities in the United States. This premium designation indicates that PHA adheres to sound fiscal management, good governance, transparency, commitment to accountability and other best practices, and consistently executes this mission in a fiscally responsible way.
The goal of Charity Navigator is to provide donors with relevant information so they can have greater confidence in the charitable choices they make.
Rino Aldrighetti, who is the PHA CEO and President, said in a press release: “PHA relies on donors to fund patient and caregiver support; early diagnosis awareness; medical education; specialty care services; and research to find ways to prevent and cure PH. This commitment carries over into how we conduct business, leaving no doubt that we are a charity worth supporting.”
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Based on the Charity Navigator rating, the 12 consecutive PHA 4-star ratings places the association in a group of less than 1 percent of all the charities evaluated, demonstrating that PHA outperforms the majority of charities in America.
“As the nonprofit sector continues to grow at an unprecedented pace, savvy donors are demanding more accountability, transparency and quantifiable results from the charities they choose to support with their hard-earned dollars,” noted John Dugan, Chairman and Founder of the Board of Charity Navigator.
To learn more about how to support the Pulmonary Hypertension Association against pulmonary hypertension, visit: https://www.PHAssociation.org
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More About The Pulmonary Hypertension Association
The Pulmonary Hypertension Association is headquartered in Silver Springs, MD and its mission is to create ways to better prevent, treat and eventually cure pulmonary hypertension. The Association is also committed to providing education, support, research, awareness and advocacy services to the community.
Read More Recent News About The Pulmonary Hypertension Association
The Pulmonary Hypertension Association (PHA) has publicly announced its support for the Patients’ Access to Treatments Act (PATA), which is currently being debated in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bi-partisan legislation was presented last week by representatives David B. McKinley (R-WV) and Lois Capps (D-CA) and is designed to reduce the cost-sharing requirements of therapies for diseases such as pulmonary hypertension (PH).