Pulmonary Hypertension: How Steve and Lucas Van Wormer Fight PH

Fox Sports writer/producer Steve Van Wormer takes us through his son Lucas Van Wormer’s fight to create awareness for Pulmonary Hypertension. He also wants to make more people phaware.
What is pulmonary hypertension? Pulmonary hypertension is a rare, debilitating disease of the lungs that affects the functioning of the heart and can lead to heart failure. Without treatment, the average survival rate is less than three years. The problem doesn’t stop at pulmonary hypertension: one in 10 Americans has a rare disease—nearly 30 million people—and two-thirds of these patients are children. For the 7,000 known rare diseases, there are only approximately 450 FDA-approved treatments.
Steve, who’s been a member of First Entertainment for more than twenty years, tells us, “We’re thrilled that First Entertainment is helping us tell the story about PHA. We love the credit union, even Lucas has his Coogan Account there.”
How can the entertainment industry help? Steve Van Wormer said, “If you’re someone in the entertainment business who has access to screens, pages, posters, things like that, we need you. We need airtime. Please help us spread the PHAware word.”
Learn more about Pulmonary Hypertension: https://bit.ly/1K4oewk