November is Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month
Faces of PH
Pulmonary Hypertension News’ 30 Days of PH campaign is publishing one story per day from someone who has been affected by the disease for PH Awareness Month in November.

Day 30 of 30: A Message of Hope for All With Pulmonary Hypertension
This is Lauren Thompson’s story: My name is Lauren Thompson, and I was born on Jan. 8, 1995. I was a pretty normal child until the age of 7, with surprisingly no symptoms of pulmonary arterial hypertension. So, at least, we thought.

Day 29 0f 30: My Daughter Is My Hero
This is Becky Weiss’ story. When my daughter Emily decided to attend college in Texas, I was hesitant to let her go. We were living in Georgia and the school was 800 miles away. What if something happened? I wouldn’t be able to get to her quickly enough. Keeping her with us was not an option, though.

Day 27 of 30: The Reality of Being a High-risk Teen During Lockdown
This is Evelyn Keltgen’s story. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a very difficult time for everyone, but it has been especially hard on teens in the high-risk category due to health concerns. I’ve had pulmonary hypertension (PH) my entire life, so I’ve never known anything different. I’ve always needed to be very careful about germs so that I don’t get sick.