30 Days of PH: Farm Life

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by Jen Cueva |

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Day 27 of 30 Days of PH⁣ Topic: Farm life⁣ This is Jhenna’s story @jpacelli821⁣ ⁣ Where do I begin? Being diagnosed at 22 years old was NOT easy, although a PH diagnosis at any age is horrible. I was a manager at PETCO at my diagnosis, and we just bought our home. The term ”terminally ill” wasn't in my vocabulary, and I wasn't giving up that easily. ⁣ ⁣ Transitioning from a hard worker to a disabled person, who needed help doing the simplest things, was demoralizing but I dug deep and continued on. I started SubQ Remodulin from the start. Getting used to the idea of a pump 24/7 was not easy. It also has horrible side effects, that lived up to their expectations. After being on meds for 2 months, I started to notice an improvement. I was slowly being able to do more, and be more independent! ⁣ ⁣ After 3 years, we had the opportunity to move to western NY on a farm. It was the greatest decision of our lives! When we moved here, I wanted to be outside all the time and moving, something I rarely did in CT. I had the urge to get back into horses after being here a year, so I looked into therapeutic riding programs. I went to a volunteer training to see if I could even still control a horse. When I was brought to meet the horses, I instantly knew this was where I was meant to be. Volunteering made me stronger, not only physically but mentally! ⁣ ⁣ Living on a farm is not easy for me. One of the first things that we purchased was an ATV. It's is a huge lifesaver if I'm having a rough day. Some days, I can't even go outside but that's okay because I will never give up. We have been given a hard path in life, but I wouldn't change anything. This disease made me who I am today and I'm proud of that. One last thing, that therapeutic program I love, I now help run it, as the Volunteer Coordinator! Helping other disabled individuals is one of the greatest rewards EVER! I might be chronically sick but I am truly blessed! ⁣ ⁣ #30daysofPH #farmlife #subQRemodulin

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