30 Days of PH: My Experience With Worsening Symptoms

Prabu Prabakaran had to cut short a trip overseas due to worsening PH symptoms. (Photo courtesy of Prabu Prabakaran)
Day 14 of 30
This is Sakthivel “Prabu” Prabakaran’s story:
Hello, I am Prabu, and for 30 years, I’ve lived in Madison, Wisconsin, with my wife and two older kids.
I was born with one lung. I was a healthy person, I used to do all of the hard work, and I was very active until a major accident happened 11 years ago. In that accident, my single lung collapsed, and symptoms of pulmonary hypertension slowly began to present themselves.
My pulmonary specialist suggested I use oxygen almost every night. But my symptoms progressed, and I needed to start using oxygen for almost every activity. I own a business, but now I can’t lift anything. Even moving around is very difficult these days.
Recently, when I visited my family overseas, my health worsened, and I had to use oxygen 24/7. My oxygen levels were in the 70s, and my appetite was completely gone. I had to cut the trip short and rush back to Madison.
After returning, my pulmonologist sent me to the emergency room for a lot of tests, but the tests were all negative. Now I am scared to travel anywhere, especially overseas. I have trouble climbing steps, and sometimes have continuous coughing.
I hope everyone feels better and that this whole world soon becomes a better place for all of us to live.
Pulmonary Hypertension News’ 30 Days of PH campaign will publish one story per day for PH Awareness Month in November. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more stories like this, using the hashtag #30DaysofPH, or read the full series.