Andrea Lobo,  —

Andrea Lobo is a Science writer at BioNews. She holds a Biology degree and a PhD in Cell Biology/Neurosciences from the University of Coimbra-Portugal, where she studied stroke biology. She was a postdoctoral and senior researcher at the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health in Porto, in drug addiction, studying neuronal plasticity induced by amphetamines. As a research scientist for 19 years, Andrea participated in academic projects in multiple research fields, including stroke, gene regulation, cancer, and rare diseases. She authored multiple research papers in peer-reviewed journals. She shifted towards a career in science writing and communication in 2022.

Articles by Andrea Lobo

Blood protein levels of TSP2 may be biomarker in PH, study finds

Blood levels of a protein called thrombospondin-2 (TSP2) — related to clinically identifiable measures of right heart structure and function — are consistently increased across patients with different types of pulmonary hypertension (PH), a study in Germany suggests. According to the researchers, these data indicate “that plasma [blood] TSP2…

Long noncoding RNA may be new biomarker for PAH: Study

A long noncoding RNA molecule (lncRNA) — a long segment of RNA that regulates protein production in the body — may activate or inhibit genes associated with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), according to researchers in China. In their study, a lncRNA was found at higher levels in children with…

AER-901 development program will include PH-ILD

The development program of AER-901, Aerami Therapeutics’ inhaled formulation of imatinib, will include pulmonary hypertension associated with interstitial lung disease (PH-ILD). According to the company, data from a completed Phase 1 clinical trial support the progression of AER-901 into Phase 2 trials for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)…

Apelin-17 levels may be used for IPAH diagnosis, study shows

A peptide called apelin-17 may be used as a diagnostic biomarker for idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH), according to the results of a new study. Apelin-17 levels were found to detect IPAH with an accuracy similar to NT-proBNP and GDF-15 — two established biomarkers for pulmonary hypertension (PH)…

Seed extract of mahogany trees eases vessel remodeling in PH mice

Treatment with swietenine — extracted from the seeds of Swietenia macrophylla, a tree commonly called mahogany — eased the remodeling of lung blood vessels in a mouse model of pulmonary hypertension (PH). Researchers in China found that swietenine worked against this disease hallmark by inhibiting the growth of smooth muscle cells…

PAH Places Great Burden on Patients, Healthcare in Sweden

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is associated with high utilization of healthcare resources by patients and with productivity loss, starting years before diagnosis, according to a study in Sweden. “The economic and clinical burden associated with PAH suggests that strategies for earlier diagnosis and more effective treatments are warranted,” researchers…

Treprostinil Infusion Pump for PAH Is Goal of New Collaboration

Liquidia and Sandoz will collaborate with Mainbridge Health Partners to develop a new subcutaneous or under-the-skin infusion pump for treprostinil — a generic form of Remodulin — for treating people with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). The exclusive rights to promote and market treprostinil injection belong…

PH Mortality Rates Increased 2% Annually in US for Past 20 Years

Despite treatment advances in pulmonary hypertension (PH) over the last two decades, the age-adjusted PH-related death rate in the U.S. increased annually between 1999 and 2019, with mortality climbing by nearly 2% each year, a new study found. The simultaneous presence of PH and disease of the left side…