Anna Jeter,  —

Anna L. Jeter is an artist and writer living in Excelsior, Minnesota, with her parents and her sweet mini goldendoodle, Luna. Anna was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension in 1999 at the age of 4. After a 19-year fight, she received a lifesaving heart-lung transplant in 2018. After enduring many complications, Anna was finally discharged home in April 2019. Now, living with a tracheostomy, and dependent on oxygen, she celebrates the time gifted to her by her donor, never taking the joys of everyday life for granted. Anna’s art and writing is centered on grief, survival, and the hope that continues to bloom amidst these circumstances.

Articles by Anna Jeter

New Accommodations, Same Destination

The need for adaptation in my life began so quietly I often didn’t notice the accommodations I required. I started dancing at a young age, and at the end of each dance season, we had a big recital with different costumes for each performance. This created a problem when considering…

I’m Celebrating 22 Years of Survival and Counting

On May 21, I celebrated 22 years of survival. On that day many years ago, I underwent a heart catheterization. Halfway through, doctors came out to inform my parents that the only diagnosis option was pulmonary hypertension (PH). My parents had previously been told that this was the worst-case…

Why I Pay Tribute to Nurses

Having grown up with a complex diagnosis that includes pulmonary hypertension, I was always interested in the field of healthcare. I still remember being 10 years old and telling people I wanted to be a pediatric anesthesiologist when I grew up. This was because of the anesthesiologists who had been…

A Conversation With Rare Disease Advocates