Marta Ribeiro,  —

Marta graduated from Universidade Fernando Pessoa in Porto with a degree in Communication Sciences and a Masters degree in New Communication Technologies. She has experience in social media, worked with several media channels, and has also worked as a freelance photographer and a graphic artist for almost 10 years.

Articles by Marta Ribeiro

PH: UK’s Youngest Double-Lung Transplant Patient

Little Ollie Bannister suffered from Pulmonary Hypertension, where the heart has to work harder than normal to pump blood to the lungs, and struggled to develop as quickly as other children. The brave youngster underwent the eight-hour lung transplant which saved his life when he was just three-years-old,…

You Know You Have a Chronic Illness When…

ServiceDog Vlog made this video where she explains how easy it is for you to know that you have a chronic illness, just by using your vocabulary. Note: Pulmonary Hypertension News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or…

Let Me Breathe – Pulmonary Hypertension

“Pulmonary hypertension – or PH as it is commonly referred to – is a rare and potentially fatal lung disease in which the arteries of the lungs become closed off, or scarred, resulting in high blood pressure in the lungs.” Learn more about PH:…

Making Invisible Illnesses VISIBLE

“I made this video in honor of all of us who are fighting invisible illnesses. I hope that this can have its own meaning to you. Always remember that you don’t have to fight alone and I hope that you ALWAYS know how very strong you are.” Learn…

Pulmonary Hypertension: Jake Beattie’s Story

Meet Jake Beattie. He’s an 18-year-old young man living with pulmonary hypertension. Watch the video to learn a little bit more about his story of his lung and heart disease. This was a short college documentary made by his classmates in early 2012. Read more about pulmonary hypertension:…

Overview of Diagnosis of Pulmonary Hypertension

Diagnosing pulmonary hypertension in systemic scleroderma, especially in the early stages, can be difficult. Systemic scleroderma can affect the same organs as pulmonary hypertension and symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath, the early symptoms of pulmonary hypertension, can also be caused by systemic scleroderma. Systemic scleroderma symptoms…

Understanding Pulmonary Hypertension: Empowered by Hope “Empowered by Hope: Understanding Pulmonary Hypertension” provides an introductory explanation of pulmonary hypertension. The video describes the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension, how the disease affects patients’ lives and the lives of their loved ones, the progress being made to fight pulmonary hypertension, and how you can help the PH…

Living with Pulmonary Hypertension

According to Strathroy Age Dispatch, Everleigh Pierce turned five years old. Two days later, her school, Caradoc Public School in Mt. Brydges, had planned a special event to celebrate her birthday. The school was decorated and the hallways looked like a scene taken from a Western University’s…