Steve Bryson, PhD,  science writer—

Steve holds a PhD in biochemistry from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada. As a medical scientist for 18 years, he worked in both academia and industry, where his research focused on the discovery of new vaccines and medicines to treat inflammatory disorders and infectious diseases. Steve is a published author in multiple peer-reviewed scientific journals and a patented inventor.

Articles by Steve Bryson

Heart CT scan parameter predicts cardiovascular events in PH

A higher diameter ratio on CT scans between the right ventricle and left ventricle, which are the heart’s lower chambers, independently predicts major adverse cardiovascular events in people with pulmonary hypertension (PH), a study reports. “In our study, the [right ventricle/left ventricle] ratio not only well reflected PH severity,…

MTMR7 protein shows promise as PAH treatment in mice

Boosting the production of a protein called myotubularin-related protein 7 (MTMR7) reversed signs of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in a mouse model of the disease, a study shows. MTMR7 suppresses the excess growth and migration of cells lining the arteries, which contribute to the narrowing of these blood vessels…

Targeting AURKB enzyme a promising approach in PAH rats

Inhibiting an enzyme known as Aurora kinase B (AURKB) significantly improves multiple measures of blood flow in rat models of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a study suggests. AURKB blockade worked by suppressing the excessive growth of blood vessel muscle cells, which contributes to the narrowing of pulmonary arteries that…

CS1 improves right heart function in PAH: New trial data

Cereno Scientific‘s investigational oral therapy CS1 improves right heart function in people with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), according to new data from a Phase 2a clinical trial. Three months of treatment also boosted quality of life, while symptoms associated with heart failure and the risk of clinical worsening…

Diaphragm neurostimulation eases PH during mechanical ventilation

Lungpacer Medical’s AeroNova diaphragm neurostimulation system significantly reduced pulmonary hypertension (PH) among critically ill patients with lung failure while they were on mechanical ventilation, according to data from the STIMULUS trial. The device, which electrically stimulates nerves to activate the diaphragm muscles in synchrony with mechanical ventilation, also…

GLS1 immune blockade reduces PAH indications in rat model

Blocking GLS1, an enzyme that drives pro-inflammatory immune macrophages, reduces the signs and symptoms of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in rats, a study reports. “This study offers a fresh outlook upon understanding the role of macrophages in PAH and provides experimental evidence in developing targeted therapeutic strategies,” the researchers…

Right heart size differs between men and women with PAH: Study

Men with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) have a larger right heart size and worse survival rates than women, independent of body size and functional status, a study reports. Moreover, sex-specific mortality risk thresholds, with higher risk indicated by a larger area of the right pulmonary artery, as measured by…

Winrevair regimen balances efficacy, safety in PAH: Analysis

The dosing regimen for Winrevair (sotatercept-csrk) is optimal for balancing efficacy and safety in adults with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), an analysis of clinical trial data shows. This regimen is “well-justified based on the totality of the observed safety and efficacy data from Phase 2 and Phase 3…

CS1 expanded access program for PAH now covers 10 patients

Cereno Scientific said it has enrolled nine additional people with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in its expanded access program (EAP) for investigational therapy CS1, bringing the total number of patients in the program to 10. The patients will continue receiving CS1 after completing a Phase 2a clinical trial.

LungFit PH receives European CE mark approval to treat newborns

LungFit PH, Beyond Air’s device for administering nitric oxide therapy, has received European CE mark approval for persistent pulmonary hypertension in newborns (PPHN). This approval allows the company to market the device in the European Union and all other countries that recognize this certification, and also extends its…