Wendy Henderson,  —

Wendy is a proven blogger and social media manager who has helped to build online communities for businesses and organizations. She currently heads the website’s social outreach online through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Articles by Wendy Henderson

Treating Depression When You Have Pulmonary Hypertension

Life with pulmonary hypertension (PH) can be difficult and challenging, so it’s no wonder that many people living with the disease also suffer from emotional issues such as depression and anxiety. MORE: Understanding the struggle of pulmonary hypertension patients If you feel you’re not coping well emotionally, it’s important you speak to…

7 Tips for Planning Your First Pulmonary Hypertension Appointment

Being diagnosed with a serious lung and heart condition like pulmonary hypertension is stressful and overwhelming. To make things a little easier, we’re sharing seven tips that you could use to plan your first pulmonary hypertension appointment with your new doctor. (Source: Pulmonary Hypertension Association) MORE: Hear how pulmonary hypertension…

6 Ways to Help You Take Care of Your Lungs

We tend to take our lungs for granted, that is until we develop breathing difficulties. But even when living with a chronic lung disease, it is even more important to look after these vital organs as best we can. The Rush University Medical Center has some useful advice to…

6 Common Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue

If you suffer from a chronic illness, then it’s highly likely that you’ll experience fatigue from time to time. Fatigue is different than just feeling tired, and generally it’s not something that can be fixed with an early night or by resting for a little while. With tips from the pros at …

4 Tips for Caring for Someone With Pulmonary Hypertension

If someone you love has been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, you may be concerned with how to best care for them and what you need to do to ensure they maintain a good quality of life. You will inevitably become an integral part of their health care team which may be challenging at times. We’ve compiled…

Why Pulmonary Hypertension Patients Are Often Invisible Patients

An “invisible illness” is a term used for any disease or condition which is not overtly obvious simply by looking at a person. MORE: 14 invisible illnesses you may not be aware of Most people with pulmonary hypertension (PH) would be considered an “invisible patient,” meaning they’re considered healthy and able-bodied because they don’t…

Little Bella’s Lung Transplant Story

Meet Bella. As you’ll see in this Texas Children’s Hospital video from 2016, Bella is a lively and bubbly 4-year-old who also happens to have had a double lung transplant. MORE: How pulmonary hypertension in newborns might be detected earlier using echocardiography Bella was diagnosed with…