Wendy Henderson,  —

Wendy is a proven blogger and social media manager who has helped to build online communities for businesses and organizations. She currently heads the website’s social outreach online through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Articles by Wendy Henderson

4 Next Steps for the Newly Diagnosed

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension you are probably feeling overwhelmed and unsure about what to do next.  Read our list of four steps to take after your diagnosis. Take home and read pamphlets and other literature from the hospital or doctor’s office. Research on the internet and…

The Future of Managed Care and PAH?

In this AJMCtv video from the American Journal of Managed Care, Dr. Derek Van Amerongen, vice president of Humana Ohio, explains the role of managed care companies in regard to chronic rare diseases such as pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Find out about 10 common symptoms of pulmonary hypertension here. Amerongen…

5 Groups of Pulmonary Hypertension

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a rare lung disease characterized by increased blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries.  These are the arteries that carry deoxygenated blood from a person’s heart to the lungs to pick up oxygen. As the pressure builds, the heart must work harder to pump blood through the lungs. Over…

StoryBots Teaches Kids About Lungs

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a rare lung disease characterized by a life-threatening increase of blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries. Discover seven curious facts about pulmonary arterial hypertension. StoryBots made this fun and quirky children’s video to help kids understand the purpose of our lungs and what happens to our bodies when…

10 Signs of Pulmonary Hypertension

According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, there are 10 main signs for pulmonary hypertension. While the individual symptoms on their own do not not mean you have PH, if you experience any combination of the symptoms you should see your doctor.

10 Tips for a Safer Vacation with Pulmonary Hypertension

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apwrg0fyx70 Just because you have a chronic illness, it doesn’t mean you can’t travel and see the world. However, traveling when you have pulmonary hypertension does mean you have much to consider before embarking on your journey. Want to know how to stay hydrated in warmer weather? Read more here.

Understanding Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

With this video from Singapore General Hospital shared in June 2015, we get to understand so much more about pulmonary hypertension. Through computer-generated graphics, we can see exactly how PH affects the lungs and heart. Read about seven interesting facts about pulmonary hypertension in our article here.  The video takes…

Lynn’s Pulmonary Hypertension and Lung Transplant Story

Scleroderma has often been associated with a higher risk of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). This is because, in patients with scleroderma, there is progressive blood vessel contraction (narrowing) that often leads to an increase in blood pressure in the lungs, which can develop into PAH. Researchers in Italy have…

Gifted Organs – Pop Band of Transplant Patients

Gifted Organs is a British pop band consisting of musicians who have had organ transplants.  With six new lungs, four new hearts, two new livers, and five new kidneys between them, the band came together from different parts of the country to record songs and raise awareness for organ donations. Read…