
Creating Your Own Recipe for Lemonade

When my son Cullen was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension (PH), my husband and I would have gone to the ends of the earth to help him fight it. When asked if we would be willing to drive from our home in Washington state to California to seek care and treatment…

10 Tips for Dealing With Chronic Illness

After 15 years with a rare and chronic illness, I have learned much about navigating life and chronic disease. Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is complex and challenging to predict. If you are like me, lacking control over your day is frustrating and anxiety-inducing. But despite those unpredictable days, we…

Creating Space Between Peace and Anxiety

Have you ever nodded off at an inappropriate time? For a moment, your body gives in to fatigue. Your heavy eyelids begin to droop, and you start to ease into a peaceful slumber. It’s all going well until you are jolted awake by the force of your head dropping like…

The Complexity of Numbers in Healthcare

“Numbers don’t lie.” Members of my medical team have used this phrase, and I have caught myself saying it lately, too. Doctors say “numbers don’t lie” when congratulating me on improving my pulmonary function test or when my six-minute walk score is better than my previous one. Unfortunately, this…

Chronic Illness Helped Me Justify Keeping Trauma a Secret

Trigger warning: This column discusses sexual assault and rape. If you need assistance, please call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673. I left a procedure last week feeling shaky, unwell, anxious, and upset. The procedure, draining an ovarian cyst, unfortunately was unsuccessful. I found out shortly after waking…

Living Alone With a Chronic Illness

Three years ago when I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension at age 22, I never would have predicted I’d one day want to live alone. At the time, I was terrified and became reliant on my family for support and comfort.  A lot has changed since…

Body Acceptance Looks Different for Me, and That’s OK

When looking through pictures on social media, I see so many body-positive influencers making powerful statements about the “ideal body.” I see women and men on Instagram trying to show others that beauty standards aren’t realistic. Skin folds, bends, and changes shape for countless reasons. The message is that society’s…