
My Version of ‘Living in the Moment’

“Live in the moment.” This saying is such a cliché in the chronic illness realm, yet I force myself to reply with some version of this daily when I am asked how I’m doing. My response usually is something along the lines of,…

PH Medications Add to My Symptoms

A large part of pulmonary hypertension management is taking the necessary medications to help ease symptoms and delay progression. Because pulmonary hypertension impacts more than just the lungs, many with this disease have a list of at least a dozen different medications to treat various…

Lessons on Persistence from the Desert

I love the desert. No, this is not a timely column post about Burning Man. Sorry to disappoint. I’ve really only been to the desert twice. The general inconvenience of traveling with pulmonary hypertension (PH) limited me before, and my doctor advised me to avoid high…

PTSD Has Caused Me to Experience Avoidance

Mayo Clinic defines post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as “a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it.” Living with pulmonary hypertension and other cardiac and neurological conditions has caused my body to endure…

An Open Letter to My Newly Diagnosed Self

In June, I attended my first Pulmonary Hypertension Association Conference in Orlando, Florida. Sitting in a packed ballroom full of strangers, I had never felt more seen. Many of the faces around me were fellow PHighters, and we were all there for the same reason. I left…