Worth the PHight - a Column by Jen Cueva

workplace, fear, interview, less is more, unique, covid-19 Jen is a columnist and forum moderator for Pulmonary Hypertension News Today. Jen worked in nursing before the script changed upon her diagnosis of PH in 2005. Advocating and meeting those with PH has always been an essential part of her life. Her passion is to instill hope and remind others in the PH community that they are not alone. In her weekly column, she delves into the roller coaster of emotions that come along with PH. Having this opportunity to play a role in helping others become more informed and educated so they are more empowered in their journey is meaningful and powerful for her. Jen lives in Southern California with her husband. Together, we PHight stronger.

Feeling Frustrated With Myself During a Simple MRI

I’m lying on a frigid and tiny table that appears to have shrunk since last time. The technician tells me the MRI will take about half an hour. Thankfully, she locates me a nice, warm blanket. I am already freezing and shivering. Finally, my body moves slowly but surely…

Let’s Take a Ride: Pushing My Boundaries

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” — Albert Einstein After I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension (PH), I wanted to live my best life. But because of waxing and waning symptoms, I haven’t pushed my boundaries as much. I have…

Taking a Personalized Approach to Pain Management

Did you know that September was Pain Awareness Month? This year, the U.S. Pain Foundation’s awareness campaign focused on encouraging people to develop a personalized pain management plan. With my pulmonary hypertension (PH) and coexisting illnesses, developing my own pain management plan has been somewhat complicated. But I am…

Overcoming My Fear of Being Judged

A while back, I posted in the PH News Forums about my fear of judgment. I wrote about living with PH and feeling like I am being judged. At times, I feel like a reality star. I picture the TMZ crew and paparazzi following me around. In reality, I…

10 Tips for Dealing With Chronic Illness

After 15 years with a rare and chronic illness, I have learned much about navigating life and chronic disease. Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is complex and challenging to predict. If you are like me, lacking control over your day is frustrating and anxiety-inducing. But despite those unpredictable days, we…

Some Days, Anxiety Feels Like Riding the Crazy Train

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, nearly 40 million people in the United States experience an anxiety disorder in any given year. If you have pulmonary hypertension (PH) and anxiety, you already know this struggle. Anxiety affects us in more ways than we ever thought possible.

A Lesson About Pity from My Late PHriend

Since my recent hospitalization, I am not allowed to drive for a while. This may seem like no big deal to some, but for me, driving is my little bit of freedom; it’s my independence. Usually, I only drive for small distances near my house. Some days, this is…

Life Is Tough, but So Am I

“Life is tough, my darling, but so are you.” – Stephanie Bennett-Henry My husband pushed me in my wheelchair through the main hospital entrance. My pulmonary hypertension (PH) medical team wanted me to avoid chaos in the emergency room. I am grateful that he made my health…