Worth the PHight - a Column by Jen Cueva

workplace, fear, interview, less is more, unique, covid-19 Jen is a columnist and forum moderator for Pulmonary Hypertension News Today. Jen worked in nursing before the script changed upon her diagnosis of PH in 2005. Advocating and meeting those with PH has always been an essential part of her life. Her passion is to instill hope and remind others in the PH community that they are not alone. In her weekly column, she delves into the roller coaster of emotions that come along with PH. Having this opportunity to play a role in helping others become more informed and educated so they are more empowered in their journey is meaningful and powerful for her. Jen lives in Southern California with her husband. Together, we PHight stronger.

It’s Time to Stop Feeling Guilty About Self-care

Do you struggle to prioritize your health when confronted with life’s daily demands? It’s a tough job to balance everything, especially when you’re already exhausted. When living with pulmonary hypertension (PH), life can be messy and unpredictable. I tend to put others first, and my health drops to the…

My Challenges Transitioning from Nurse to Patient

As I work on my continuing education credits required to maintain my nursing license, I am reminded of how much I miss my days as a nurse. Prior to my diagnosis with pulmonary hypertension (PH), I worked in hospice and palliative care. The transition from nurse to patient…

Our Wedding Vows Took on New Meaning After My PH Diagnosis

On March 14, 1992, when my husband said, “In sickness and in health,” he had no idea just how important those five words would become. I’m sure that like most couples, we repeated our wedding vows quickly so that we could share that first “married couple” kiss. We were newlyweds,…

My Free Advice to PH Newcomers

Nowadays, we pay for just about anything imaginable. But today is your lucky day! I’m offering free advice to those of you new to pulmonary hypertension (PH). Those who are “well-seasoned” may learn a few things, too. When I sat down to write this column, I thought back to my…

Educating TSA Agents About PH and Disability Issues

Traveling by plane can be stressful for anyone. Flying with pulmonary hypertension (PH) and other disabilities adds another dimension of stress and anxiety. My husband and I recently flew from Houston to San Diego. I was stoked about this trip and had been looking forward to it for months. My…

Coexisting Conditions Make Managing PH Even More Challenging

Managing pulmonary hypertension (PH) can be exhausting. Adding coexisting conditions makes it even more challenging. Like me, many people struggle to manage multiple illnesses. In addition to PH, I deal with chronic kidney disease (CKD), iron deficiency anemia, and a few others. It can be overwhelming. Some say…

Natural Disaster Preparedness Tips for PH Patients

The number of devastating natural disasters has increased significantly in the past several years. These billion-dollar disasters strike some states repeatedly. Therefore, residents in those areas realize the importance of preparedness. I stay on alert because I live on Texas’ Gulf Coast. I also live with pulmonary hypertension (PH)…

I’m Struggling with the Misconceptions of PH

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a complicated disease. I am the first to admit that. I live in the mountains and the valleys of PH life daily, and often I am thrown curveballs. While it is understandable that others around me cannot comprehend the impact PH has on my body, dealing…

Planning Happy Moments Amid the PH Storms

Surviving day in and day out with a life-threatening illness like pulmonary hypertension (PH), well, simply sucks. My struggles with numerous symptoms and medication side effects weigh me down and rapidly deplete me. Uptravi (selexipag) and Revatio (sildenafil) can cause horrific side effects, and these are my two primary…

Looking Back at My PH Journey and Finding Hope in the Hard Places

My schedule was hectic this week. I had several days of bloodwork and doctors’ appointments scheduled. The heat here in Texas with its suffocating humidity is not ideal weather for someone with pulmonary hypertension (PH). My energy levels were quickly depleted, and I became mentally and physically drained. When…