Worth the PHight - a Column by Jen Cueva

workplace, fear, interview, less is more, unique, covid-19

Jen is a columnist and forum moderator for Pulmonary Hypertension News Today. Jen worked in nursing before the script changed upon her diagnosis of PH in 2005. Advocating and meeting those with PH has always been an essential part of her life. Her passion is to instill hope and remind others in the PH community that they are not alone.

In her weekly column, she delves into the roller coaster of emotions that come along with PH. Having this opportunity to play a role in helping others become more informed and educated so they are more empowered in their journey is meaningful and powerful for her. Jen lives in Southern California with her husband. Together, we PHight stronger.

Planning Happy Moments Amid the PH Storms

Surviving day in and day out with a life-threatening illness like pulmonary hypertension (PH), well, simply sucks. My struggles with numerous symptoms and medication side effects weigh me down and rapidly deplete me. Uptravi (selexipag) and Revatio (sildenafil) can cause horrific side effects, and these are my two primary…

Looking Back at My PH Journey and Finding Hope in the Hard Places

My schedule was hectic this week. I had several days of bloodwork and doctors’ appointments scheduled. The heat here in Texas with its suffocating humidity is not ideal weather for someone with pulmonary hypertension (PH). My energy levels were quickly depleted, and I became mentally and physically drained. When…

Why I Am a ‘Million Dollar Baby’

“Good morning, Mrs. Cueva,” said the young lady on the phone. During our call, she informed me of a change in my medication coverage that would take effect in the following weeks. “Your copay will now be $830 per month instead of the usual $200,” she said. I’m not sure…

Survivor’s Guilt Is Inevitable in Life with PH

Survivor’s guilt is something that I’ve struggled with over the past 14 years. Living with the rare and life-threatening disease that is PH, I continuously lose people I care for. Lately, it seems that every time I look at my social media, at least two or three PH patients have…

Here Are My Tips for Managing Your Summer Road Trip

Summer is here, and perhaps a road trip is in your plans for the season. I’ve always looked forward to this time of year. However, living with pulmonary hypertension (PH), summer can take a toll on my body. Dealing with the unpredictable ”variety pack” of PH symptoms, it…

What Makes a Good Patient-Doctor Relationship?

Living with pulmonary hypertension (PH) for the past 14 years has been a challenge, to say the least. Along this journey, an important relationship for me has been with my PH specialist. I started out with a few different doctors before finding an actual PH specialist who “vibes” with…

I Am ‘Worth the PHight’

Welcome to Jen Cueva’s “Worth the PHight,” a new Pulmonary Hypertension News Today column. Hey, y’all! I am happy to be here writing this column, and I hope it will help others out there who are PHighting this same PHight. Living with pulmonary hypertension (PH) for the last 14…