Pulmonary Hypertension News Forums Forums PH Care and Treatment Side Effects and Symptoms Does Summer Weather Cause An Increase In Symptoms?

  • Does Summer Weather Cause An Increase In Symptoms?

    Posted by Brittany Foster on June 21, 2018 at 11:34 am

    Growing up with congenital heart disease, I was always advised against overexposure to the hot weather and warned about the effects of staying in the sun for too long. Despite the warning, summer was always my favorite time of year. All of my once positive feelings about the summertime sunshine have changed since I have had an increase in symptoms. Lately I have really been feeling the effects of my conditions, especially with the added stress from the weather.

    I have become more aware of the toll that the weather can take on the cardiovascular system and the lungs. Now, I experience an increase in symptoms in the summer months due to my heart condition and pulmonary hypertension.
    The hot summer weather comes with a list of challenges for those living with lung disease or heart disease. The most difficult symptoms for me to manage in the summer months are, increased fatigue, lack of energy and weakness, swelling and bloating, and difficulty breathing.

    I have talked with my doctors about coming up with ways to manage the symptoms to hopefully have some more energy. I want to be able to go to the beach and enjoy myself. I have to make sure to take a rest during the day, stay in the air conditioning when the humidity is high, take inhalers and steroids for breathing more frequently, use oxygen with all activity as directed, and take extra medication for fluid retention all while staying hydrated with plenty of fluids. Even with the extra treatments, summer still feels difficult !

    Have you noticed a difference in since the weather has been changing? What symptoms increase for you during the summer months? What do you do to help with symptoms?

    jen-cueva replied 1 year, 3 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • jen-cueva

    January 27, 2023 at 1:09 pm

    This is an update shared by @terry. Because he mentions hot and humid weather, I thought this was an excellent place to share his update.

    Terry says, “I can’t breathe!
    We all know what thats like. . I know I’m one of the lucky ones insofar as the macitentan ,tadalafil and diuretic drugs allow me to have a pretty normal life within certain boundaries. We are now experiencing the wet season .You know hot and humid so the aircon gets a work out until around 2000 hours when we turn it off. We leave the house closed up to keep it cool but lately I am experiencing ‘I cant breathe ‘ episodes and having to either open a window or turn the aircon back on. Have not felt that way for a couple of years.”

    Hopefully, others can offer him suggestions, too. I’ll share my response to him below.

    • Colleen

      January 28, 2023 at 11:59 pm

      @terry I’m so worried about you! If you don’t mind my asking, how desperate do you feel during your, “I can’t breathe” episodes? If they are frequent and frightening I wonder if it’s time for – and possible to have a hospital stay to be monitored. Breathing was always an issue for my son but whenever the panicked “I can’t breathe” would kick in I knew it was time for him to be seen and often he would end up admitted. Usually it was a matter of needing to balance his meds better with dosage changes and/or adding something.

      How is your sleep? Nighttime was always the worst for my son. He needed a lot of pillows to the point where he was almost sleeping sitting up. Lying to flat made it very difficult for him to breathe.

      During the day he would lift his arms and interlock his hands behind his head. This was something he figured out to do on his own before he was even diagnosed. He said it helped him get air into his lungs.

      Please keep updating your doctors. Maybe keep a journal of when you are having trouble breathing, what you were doing, what the weather was like, time of day, etc..and maybe they will notice a pattern.

      Thinking of you!

  • jen-cueva

    January 27, 2023 at 1:12 pm

    Here is my response to @terry‘s update.

    Hi @terry, I’m sorry about your increased breathing difficulties. You mention it’s worse than it has been in several years.

    I’m concerned that you mentioned it’s worse than in previous years. Do you think you’re retaining extra fluid? Maybe call your PH team and let them know. I know the heat and humidity do affect my breathing.

    Do you think this is related to your fall and possible cracked rib(s), Mate?

    I will share your update in a post so others can easily find it. Take care, my PHriend, and please give your medical team a call to update them.

  • Terry

    January 29, 2023 at 12:48 am

    G’Day Colleen, Mate I’m nothing to worry about at my age. I have always had this thing about airflow  but lately I have become more obsessed ,without panicking. I believe it may well be a combination of things. The cracked ribs don’t help , the blocked nasal passages due to tadalafil is compounded by the hot humid weather notwithstanding the nasal spray . 35c and 85% humidity yesterday and today.
    Last tests eight months ago confirmed my lung capacity is greater than normal ,always has been since forever , but I feel I can only get half a lung full and end up puffing .ridiculous really. Get a grip Terry.

    Oh brilliant minds etc. I also lock hands behind head to breathe better. PH  Doc told me to sleep at 15 degrees. What !get out the protractor. I sleep with two pillows and usually get six hours no problem albiet I toss and turn if both nasal passages block and sometimes have a walk around to clear one side . Na mate things are good more deep breaths needed.

    • jen-cueva

      January 30, 2023 at 11:17 am

      Hi @terry, I hope your medical team is aware of the increased breathing difficulties. Although, I do suspect the weather and the cracked ribs aren’t helping much. Not to mention your stubbornness, Mate, hehe.

      I have an adjustable bed that I can elevate my head. However, before that bed, I would use 3 large pillows and sleep on my side. I still use 2 pillows. Do you notice your increased breathing issues all the time or with exertion?

      Please take care of yourself. I wondered if switching to a new nasal spray would offer relief. Maybe a question to ask your nurse. Despite your age, Mate, we rather you find some relief.

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