Pulmonary Hypertension News Forums Forums PH Care and Treatment Side Effects and Symptoms How Does The Colder Or Cooler Weather Effect You?

  • How Does The Colder Or Cooler Weather Effect You?

    Posted by Brittany Foster on October 9, 2018 at 10:15 am

    Where I live in Rhode Island, the weather has been pretty unpredictable. Yesterday it was in the low 50s and today it is 75. The fluctuation in the weather this time of year and changing over to the cooler days really takes a toll on my body and my symptoms. I feel the weather change through increased joint and muscle pain, increased in fatigue, and in the cooler weather my skin and lips turn blue VERY easily to the point where it is noticeable to others.

    Have you noticed changes in symptoms with the recent changes from warmer to cooler weather? How does the cold or cool weather effect you?

    jen-cueva replied 4 months, 2 weeks ago 8 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • Diane Enriquez Chung

    October 16, 2018 at 6:51 pm

    Yes! I hate the weather changes; especially the colder, winter months. I love the holidays but I hate the weather that comes with it. I mean, I live in Southern California so the weather isn’t that extreme but any temperature drop during this time of year takes a harder toll on me. I feel more out of breath with the easiest distance outside. I am colder than anyone else. I literally sit in front of the heater to warm up (day or night). No matter how much I bundle up for outside or just around the house, I am always soo cold. I do feel more tired after my daily activities. My lips tend to turn blue more often than usual so having my oxygen handy is always good. I love the holidays but the cold kills me. ☹️ I wish there was a heater following me at all times. Haha.

    • Kathleen Sheffer

      October 16, 2018 at 6:58 pm

      The one thing that helped me was getting infinity scarves to wrap around my throat and sometimes parts of my face. I read that the cold air can irritate our lungs with PH, but that warming it with the scarf (creating a warm environment in your mouth and throat) before it gets to the lungs can help a bit. My extremities always seemed to get colder than everyone else’s because of lack of circulation. Definitely important to bundle up and take it easy during the winter!

      • Brittany Foster

        October 17, 2018 at 9:21 am

        same with the circulation in my extremities! They’re always like a popsicle and nearly impossible to feel a pulse in my feet because of it. (you should see the face of med students checking for a pulse) . I like to have some fun with them hahahaah! Especially when they see my bundle branch blockages in the EKG I’m like “Oh NOOO!!!” then I’m like “nah, just kidding bro it’s normal” hahahah! Gotta have some fun with it right?

    • Brittany Foster

      October 17, 2018 at 9:19 am

      I completely get it ! I wish there was a heater following me too! I am also in surgical menopause too so sometimes I’ll get a random hot flash and then I go back to being freezing cold ! I try to wear layers and as soon as I start to get warm an take them off, I get cold right away again! My circulation has always been pretty poor in my body so even when I was in elementary school I would have blue lips easily and would shake even when it was a nice Fall day like in the 60s. I was nicknamed “smurf”. other people definitely notice the blue lips ! It’s quite distracting lol!I Gotta use some lip color I guess ! I also have to crank up the o2 sometimes when this happens. My oxygen helps with my over all circulation too.

  • VK

    October 16, 2018 at 7:06 pm

    Cold by itself doesn’t affect me much, but sudden dips in the weather will. We had an unusually hot summer and early fall (85+ and very humid every day) and last week, the temperatures fell from 90 to 55 like a leadfoot driver who suddenly found himself tailgated by a police cruiser.

    My wheezing/asthma got a lot worse then.

    • Kathleen Sheffer

      October 16, 2018 at 7:12 pm

      Significant changes can affect me, too. I usually find that my allergies are worsened when the weather shifts – maybe relates to your asthma.

    • Brittany Foster

      October 18, 2018 at 10:40 am

      Yes! The same thing has been going on where I am too. It’s like the weather and my body are both like “WHAT IS HAPPENING!?” . It can be challenging to get myself used to the weather change when it shifts so drastically.

  • Cindy Bee

    October 16, 2018 at 7:34 pm

    The cold seems to take my breath away a lot easier than warm weather. However, hot weather seems to be just as bad. Although, cold weather feels like it hurts deep down in my lungs when I breath in the cold air. I also, have found scarfs wrapped around the mouth can help warm the air I breath. This helps some what. But I have to admit as a Texas native I hate the cold!

    • Brittany Foster

      October 18, 2018 at 10:41 am

      I bet the cold would drive you NUTS if you’re from Texas! I always try to keep my mouth and breath as warm as possible so the scarves help me with that. I know what you mean by the burning feeling deep in your lungs. Where are you currently living? Still in Texas? Or some place cooler?

  • Valerie

    October 18, 2018 at 9:47 am

    Cold anyone? I live in constant cold weather here in Leadville Co. Highest city in the nation. 10,200 feet. Recently we got down to 3 degrees. Very abnormal for this time of the year.
    So yes, cranking the heater for sure. And talking about the weather making a person ache. Oh yeah, it’s extreme up here. I have a feeling we are going to be in for a very hard winter this year. Soo, it will be interesting to see how I do. Every year gets worse. But I will try to make the most of it!
    Keep warm ladies!

    • Brittany Foster

      October 18, 2018 at 10:43 am

      Wow valerie!
      That sounds like a place I would definitely not want to live in lol! Although I’m sure it has it’s perks. Crank that heat up high! Heat and fireplaces also dry out the air and I need some type of hunidifier to make the air a little more comfortable to breathe. Does the heat in the house bother you or dry you out?

  • jen-cueva

    December 12, 2023 at 6:00 pm

    Since it’s that time of year again, I wanted to check in and see how our members who live in the colder areas are doing. It’s not even that cool here in San Diego, but I bought a few scarves today at Ross because the cold air burns my lungs.

    How is everyone doing with the colder air? Do the extra layers cause an increase in SOB?

  • Roger Bliss

    December 17, 2023 at 9:43 pm

    The cold bothers me big time. I have to wear so many clothes I look like the Michelin Tire Man. Don’t stay real warm inside either. My hands can turn purple in the 50’s. I have a wood stove in my shop and spend a lot of time hugging that in the winter. I am at my best driving alone in my dump truck or pickup. I can make it as warm as I want. Got electric blanket on the bed and an electric throw in my chair. Have the same set up in AZ.

    We got to Yuma Tuesday. Today was perfect 75 and sunny. Headed to SD tomorrow……..looks cold over there.😉

    • jen-cueva

      December 18, 2023 at 1:28 pm

      Hi @roger, welcome to the warmth in AZ and CA. It’s supposed to be wet this week but in the high 60s. Yesterday, we were in the 70s and sunshine. These poor kids, every year for the last two years, I feel like it was rainy during their Christmas break.

      Like you, I don’t do well in the cold. I have an electric blanket and vest. I usually use it year-round because the heat also helps some of my pain.

      You mentioned your hands turn purple. Did they test you for Raynaud’s? Or is it just the cold that causes peripheral cyanosis?

  • Roger Bliss

    December 18, 2023 at 5:27 pm

    I tested positive for Raynaud’s. It’s mostly damp cold and wind (breeze) that gets to me. I am warmer in the 20’s than I am on a damp day in the 40’s.

    • jen-cueva

      December 19, 2023 at 12:47 pm

      Aww, gotcha, @rog. Have you mentioned that before? If so, I forgot, but what’s new?

      Oh yeah, the cold wind blowing burns my lungs, and the wet, damp cold hurts my bones. My pain intensifies on days like today and later this week. Does this primarily affect your Raynaud’s or your lungs and other body parts?

      When we were in Chicago at the end of October, that wet and windy cold air did not mix well with my body. So, I can understand how the moist, damp cold is worse for you.

      How did your appointments go so far at UCSD?

      How are you and Mary Ellen spending Christmas? Are y’all celebrating with your snowbird friends?

      • Roger Bliss

        December 20, 2023 at 9:47 pm

        Actually my UCSD visit went quite well. We just got back to Yuma
        tonight. My cancer is just sitting there. Not getting any better or
        worse. The Dr was very happy with my blood test results. Just gotta keep
        getting blood tests every couple of months to monitor things.

        My immune system is terrible and that is what has been causing my cough/sinus infection. They are going to try IVIG infusions. That’s where they take healthy donated blood and remove everything but the antibodies and give them to me once a month. Supposed to start next month. Guess we will see how that works???

        You guessed it right……..We are spending Christmas here in Yuma with some RV friends.

        Hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

      • jen-cueva

        December 21, 2023 at 11:35 am

        Hi @Roger Bliss , it sounds like things are stable with your cancer. Hopefully the IVIG will cause some improvements. But the immunity being so low you probably catch any little bug in the air, so not helping your cough, certainly.

        It sounds like as always, you two will enjoy a wonderful holiday season at the RV park with friends in Yuma! Enjoy, my PHriend!

        Please let us know once you start the IVIG infusions next month and how that goes. Take care and say hi and Merry Christmas to Mary Ellen, too.

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