• Do You Experience Hair Loss?

    Posted by jen-cueva on July 15, 2019 at 4:33 pm

    I know that the lack of many vitamins and minerals can cause hair loss. I also tend to think that some of the medications that I take for PH and other co-existing illnesses may cause hair loss as a side effect.

    Do you experience hair loss? My hair is pretty short but when I brush it, it comes out by handfuls! It’s worse when I was my hair. My hubby even has noticed and my hair falls out and is in my Jeep seats and floor! It’s horrible! And to think, my daughter always has had long hair and she ” shed” all over, which was a pet peeve, lol

    I’m aware that age, as well as things as thyroid complications can contribute to hair loss, too. Previously, my salon would texturize and thin my hair at my appointments. Not lately.

    Please share any experiences and suggestions when dealing with hair loss.

    Brittany Foster replied 4 years, 9 months ago 7 Members · 29 Replies
  • 29 Replies
  • jen-cueva

    July 15, 2019 at 4:41 pm

    I wanted to share this link from Mayo Clinic about hair loss.

  • Colleen

    July 15, 2019 at 10:46 pm

    Great topic Jen. My son hasn’t had this problem. He has my thick hair and since transplant he is on an immunosuppressant that causes the opposite problem, too much hair, especially facial. However, I have heard of medications and medical conditions causing hair loss. I have a thyroid condition and hair loss is common with this disease. Personally, I haven’t had a serious hair loss issue but instead an intense itchy scalp. I use to think it was a nervous condition but then I found out that it could be a symptom of my thyroid problem. I do think stress intensifies it though and I wouldn’t be surprised if stress also contributes to hair loss. Personally I haven’t found anything that really helps with the itchy scalp and I’ve tried all types of shampoos.

    I wish I had suggestions to share about hair loss. The article you shared is informative and I hope others can contribute more to this discussion.

  • Brittany Foster

    July 16, 2019 at 9:31 am

    Hi Jen,
    I’m sorry that you are experiencing this. I know it is an unsettling feeling when losing hair. Something that has contributed to my hair falling out is the anesthesia that I’ve had. For the first few months after surgeries I notice that I lose a lot and it comes out when I’m brushing my hair and is on the sides of the shower. My boyfriend hates it when I just leave it there on the walls hahahaha! But I feel like EVERY woman is guilty of this. Better than sticking in the drains and having him get it unclogged. But something that I have heard that helps is tea-tree oil. People have also used coconut oil and let it set in with a shower cap. I heard this is helpful too. I would suggest going to a holistic store if you have one near you and asking about some good suggestions! Or also if you have any hair stylist friends that you trust to ask, usually they have some good natural approaches. I think Keratin is one of them!

    • jen-cueva

      July 16, 2019 at 1:02 pm

      Thanks, Colleen,
      I do use coconut oil treatments for my dry scalp. None of the shampoos I tried helped me, either.I buy coconut oil at Trader Joe’s and use just a tiny amount heated a little and apply to my hair and put on my shower cap.

      Thanks, Brittany,I have used coconut oil treatments usually about once a month or so. I have not tried tea tree oil. My BFF from Dallas owned a hair salon, so I should ask her. Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll also ask when I go to the natural vitamin store.

    • jen-cueva

      July 16, 2019 at 1:06 pm

      I had to laugh @brittany-foster when I read about your hair all over shower walls. It’s not funny that it happens but mine is there and all over the bathroom once I start brushing my hair.

      Oh, I’m sure after the anesthesia you’ve had lately plus you have long hair that it is much worse. All we can do is laugh, it’s better than crying about it. Right?

      • Brittany Foster

        July 16, 2019 at 6:30 pm

        LOL Jen,
        I was hoping that it would get a laugh out of someone ! I always try to keep the humor (even if its’ a sick sense of humor) ! Like I said, better to be on the walls than in the drain being plugged out weeks later hahaha! I feel like I’m doing my boyfriend a favor by just leaving it on the shower walls LOL!

      • jen-cueva

        July 17, 2019 at 11:10 am

        Lol Brittany, I know right?

        I know, I agree with you, too bad it wasn’t the hair on my legs shedding, wouldn’t that be much better?

  • V.R. Peterson

    July 16, 2019 at 10:24 am

    Are you are Warfarin? Some patients experience hair loss with this medication.

    • Brittany Foster

      July 16, 2019 at 10:34 am

      Good catch! I know that this is a side effect of some blood thinning medications too! Always something that we have to be aware of it seems. I haven’t been on that medication, but I have been on a high dose asprin for the last 6 years. The only side effect that I get with it has been easy bruising and they put me on a lower dose if I’m having acute bleeding or if it’s bothering my stomach (which sometimes this can happen if you have been on it for awhile)

    • jen-cueva

      July 16, 2019 at 1:03 pm

      Thanks, V.R., I am not on Warfarin currently but was on it for several years. It is true that many medications can contribute to hair loss.

  • Florestine Gaskins

    July 16, 2019 at 10:40 am

    Yes, I have started to experience hair loss. When at went to the hair stylist she mentioned that I had a lot of shedding. She told me it was probably from the medications. I am glad to hear the suggestions about things I can use to help. I am going to try them.

    • jen-cueva

      July 16, 2019 at 1:09 pm

      I’m sorry that you are experiencing hair loss and shedding, Florestine. I know that many medications can cause this as well as hormones, and lack of certain vitamins and minerals.

      Did your stylist offer any suggestions?

    • Brittany Foster

      July 16, 2019 at 6:11 pm

      I know that things like this are unsettling, especially losing hair as a female. If only it went straight to my leg hair so I never would have to shave again LOL! But seriously, why does it always have to go to the hair we actually WANT to keep around? But seeing all these comments just clarifies the fact that we are not alone in any of this and that you never know what other people are struggling with until you reach out and have people open up. Thank you all for your honesty.

  • Elaine Wanhala

    July 16, 2019 at 3:42 pm

    My hair has been thinning for several years, I think due to my age and hypothyroidism. I started using a biotin shampoo at the end of April, and I think it is helping. There is less hair in my comb when I comb my hair. This is a link to the shampoo that I use. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01ENCBOA0/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    • Brittany Foster

      July 16, 2019 at 6:12 pm

      I have used Biotin products too and I really like them. There is a special shampoo that you can get too that I tried called “Keranique” it is something that has to be special ordered but I know it has also helped my cousin who has pretty thin hair just because thin hair is in our genes. Helps to add some volume too.

    • jen-cueva

      July 17, 2019 at 11:12 am

      Thanks, Elaine, I’ve heard of the Biotin and other shampoos. I wasn’t sure if anyone had results from any. I’ve heard that it can take months to notice a difference.

      Thanks for sharing your experience and positive results.

      • Brittany Foster

        July 17, 2019 at 4:45 pm

        from my own experience with using Keranique and these special types of shampoos and hair products, you definitely have to be patient when it comes to seeing the results. It takes up to a few months to start actually noticing improvements in yourself. I feel like the same is true for a lot of things though. It takes longer to actually notice things ourselves vs having an outsider or someone else pay attention and comment when they notice any difference. It’s hard because we are viewing ourselves every day so something like hair changes are hard to pick up on unless it’s drastic !

  • Mistylynn

    July 19, 2019 at 3:19 am

    I’ve had some, but not like most here yet. I take a Young Living product called Sulfurzyme. Even those allergic to sulfa drugs who think they can’t take it can because they just sound the same. They’re not.

    • Brittany Foster

      July 19, 2019 at 8:02 am

      Thank you for the suggestion! Is this something that is a more natural/ over the counter product or is it something that had to be prescribed by a doctor? I have never heard of it so I’m interested in learning more about it. Is it used for hair regrowth?

    • jen-cueva

      July 20, 2019 at 4:23 pm

      Thanks, @purpleivy34, do you sell the Young Living products? I know a PH friend who was selling their essential oils, etc.. I’ll ask her if she still sales. I’ll also see if she has tried that Sulfurzyme, you mention.

  • Mistylynn

    July 23, 2019 at 5:38 am

    Sulfurzyme is more an over-the-counter thing. It’s from Young Living which Jen shared the link to above. I also take a product they have called Super B. It has the biotin mentioned above along with other B vitamins and the things like magnesium the body needs to make the B vitamins work propertly.

    I also sell the Young Living products and welcome people to purchase under me at the wholesale rate, but I didn’t share my link because this isn’t the site for that. Just stating what I do.

    • jen-cueva

      July 23, 2019 at 9:18 am

      Thanks, Mistylynn, for the information. The Young Living link I shared is their general website. It shouldn’t be linked to any one particular.

      The SuperB sounds great too if you need vitamin and mineral replacements. Just remember to check with your doctors and/or pharmacy to be sure that you can take these supplements with your current medication regimen. I check with my PH team before I start taking any new medication, over-the-counter and natural supplements as well.

      • Brittany Foster

        July 23, 2019 at 9:34 am

        I do the same thing. I also will ask the pharmacist too because sometimes they catch things that the doctors don’t always catch or don’t see as a contraindication. That is one thing that makes me mad sometimes is that a lot of the medications I take don’t leave room for a lot of medications that can help with the symptoms. Even natural stuff I ask about !

      • jen-cueva

        July 23, 2019 at 7:05 pm

        Unfortunately, Brittany, I’ve found many medications, over-the-counter and even natural stuff cannot be mixed with my medications. It’s no fun, but I rather take these medications which keep me alive.

      • Brittany Foster

        July 24, 2019 at 10:13 am

        I feel the same way, Jen! A lot of the natural supplements I once tried to take messed with my vascular system. For people that NEED them and want to use a more natural or holistic approach I bet they would be great but a lot of them aren’t exactly approved for patients and it is way better to be safe than sorry. I was even trying THC because it is legalized in MA and only taking a small amount of it, but when I had a serious conversation with my PCP about it yesterday she said for some people it can actually cause more NAUSEA and I can see why that is true too , especially with any type of light headed feeling or “high” feeling at all. I am super sensitive to any differences in my body too so I really felt it. I’m sure it is good for some things but definitely one of those thing that also needs to be approved and looked into my an MD

    • Brittany Foster

      July 23, 2019 at 9:26 am

      Thank you for that Misty ! I’m sure that company allows you to work from home too, right? It would be good if they did. I know a lot of PHers who work for online companies or selling online. It really makes a world of difference when we can create our own schedule on our time.

  • Mistylynn

    July 23, 2019 at 7:27 pm

    Definitely you both are right! It is always important to check with your doctor before doing anything come about with medications it’s even more important to check with your pharmacist because doctors can’t keep everything straight. It’s a pharmacist’s business to know more about interactions. Doctors are also usually against natural medicine where pharmacists usually actually tell you. I know things ending in wort should usually never be taken with any kind of heart issues or heart medication and also some diabetes medications. It does not make sense to me, though, that somebody would tell me to watch out for things the body naturally takes in and uses already like sulfur and b vitamins which are also common already in fortified cereals.

    Young Living, multi-level marketing organizations, and many other types of jobs offer you to work on your own schedule in your own location. It is definitely nice to be able to do it when you are feeling up to it. I am also a freelancer and get my contracts from online platforms to do computer work as well.

    I feel very fortunate even though I supposedly have severe PAH and some congestive heart failure. I keep pushing forward, living the best life I can.

    • Brittany Foster

      July 24, 2019 at 10:25 am

      You’re definitely spot ON with the interactions of medications or natural supplements and also taking into consideration what the pharmacist has to say. I had some doctors who didn’t know interactions with some of my heart medications and when I took the medications and really felt “off” I questioned a pharmacist about it and they were able to give me a great explanation that made a lot of sense.

      I’m so glad that you are still “living your life” the best it can be even with all the conditions that you have. Staying busy and finding that purpose throughout your day would help a lot too! I am glad that you continue with your online business and being a freelancer and are able to do that AND juggle your medical conditions. Medical stuff in itself can feel like a full time job sometimes. So glad you have more freedom from working from home. I’m sure it makes a world of difference to stay busy.

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