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  • How do you help your body recover after a hospital stay?

    Posted by Brittany Foster on October 4, 2019 at 12:42 pm

    Even though I was only in the hospital for 2 days for IV antibiotic therapy, I feel like my body has taken a HUGE hit since being in the hospital and feeling so crummy the days leading up to deciding that I need the hospital. I was told to go to the hospital the beginning of the week but I tried to put it off for as long as I could. Putting it off and ignoring my symptoms and trying to just work through them didn’t make me feel any better.

    Now that I am out of the hospital, I like to go online and do some work to keep myself distracted and my mind busy but I can feel myself low on energy. I have to make sure that I am honoring how I’m feeling and that has always been hard for me to do. I know that my body felt overly tired after getting out of the shower only to feel really dizzy and needing to lay down immediately. My body is still probably detoxing from the IV pain medication and antibiotics that I was given because I felt really sweaty upon waking up from a nap.

    This weekend will be all about replenishing my caloric intake, something that soups, some bread in the soup, ice cream and MORE ice cream can hopefully solve! I also need to replenish my protein too because my levels were borderline low.

    What do you do to help recovery after a hospital stay? How long does it usually take for your body to start feeling back to its “Normal”?

    Brittany Foster replied 4 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 26 Replies
  • 26 Replies
  • jen-cueva

    October 4, 2019 at 4:03 pm

    Brittany, I, too often try to hold off when I know I need to be there. It certainly a struggle that I continue to deal with. In the end, it often takes so much more out of us then we realize. I cannot imagine this for you with not getting much nutrition. Nutrition and rest are key and I hope that you can do this over the weekend. Mostly from your bed, unless someone is home with you.

    I find that every visit to the hospital it seems to take me longer to bounce back. I also try and do some of my usual routines, even if it is just online. As you mention, it keeps the mind busy. We need some distraction. Just be sure that you are taking mental breaks, too. Love you bunches, eat lots of ice-cream, Hehe

    • Brittany Foster

      October 4, 2019 at 10:11 pm

      I will certainly try to eat as much ice cream as I can . Tonight I tried eating chicken noodle soup tonight with some bread that I allowed to get soggy in it
      I thought I was keeping it down and then when I went to lay down tonight I immediately felt it in my esophogus. Threw it all up so now just resting and hoping some stayed down to give me some energy. It is going to really be an uphill battle until they figure out the final plans next month. Hoping to be OUT of the hospital during the holiday season though. That’s my favorite timw of year.

  • Colleen

    October 4, 2019 at 10:07 pm

    Brittany, my answer would be sleep, sleep and more sleep. Another way my son would recover is by playing computer games. He always said it helped distract him from his discomfort and unwind after all he had been through. It sounds like you use your work in a similar way.

    Have you ever tried a sound machine? My son has used one or an app on his phone. He finds rain sounds soothing and it helps relax and lull him to sleep when he feels stressed or struggling with health issues.

    • Brittany Foster

      October 4, 2019 at 10:13 pm

      I definitelt need all the sleep I can get. My sleep pattern always gets thrown off up to weeks after a hospital stay. I have a lot of trouble falling asleep at night so I usually try to get a lot of naps in during the day when I can. It will be a busy week next week of follow up appointments so I definitely will need a lot of rest and relaxation over the weekend. I haven’t tried sound machines but I sleep with a loud fan and that helps me to fall asleep.

    • jen-cueva

      October 5, 2019 at 11:22 am

      Great idea, Colleen. I used to have an alarm clock that had those soothing sounds. It certainly helped me rest. I enjoyed the rain and thunderstorms and the beach waves.

      Like Brittany, I sleep with a stand-up fan and ceiling fan, so that is my noise now. I may need to look at sound apps or a new machine.

      Sleep, sleep, as per Colleen’s instructions is what you need. I know it will be tough to catch up on rest and sleep, especially with those follow up appointments.

      • Brittany Foster

        October 7, 2019 at 9:32 am

        sometimes those follow ups are just KILLER! You think that you are making your great escape out the doors and then it’s like “LOL just kidding” here are your 20 follow ups because we need to make sure you dont have to go back to the hospital AND we have to schedule your next procedure. Sometimes I’m thinking, “will I EVER get a break from all of this?” But it has become a part of my life and a part of my weekly routine. I fit it in between trying to live a
        “normal” life and trying to take my mind off of doctors and my own body. It’s a hard balance when there are constant reminders that I need to be checked frequently.

      • jen-cueva

        October 7, 2019 at 1:07 pm

        Oh, Brittany, I can imagine how busy you are with those follow-ups. You are so right, it often gets overwhelming and exhausting. It certainly is tough to find some balance.

        I know when we go to the medical center for appointments, it is an all-day affair. I often try to treat myself and eat before or after. But, some days, I am so tired and just want to get back home in my PJs. I am sure you have those days. Especially that your Boston trips are even longer than my trips downtown.

        I hope that you can find some downtown in between to “do life”. I am so excited for your concert! Dancing in my chair as I type. OMG!!!!

      • Brittany Foster

        October 7, 2019 at 1:20 pm

        I seriously CAN’T wait, Jen! It was the best surprise ever to be able to meet her in person and I can’t wait to write all about the experience. It is truly once in a lifetime opportunity and I can’t get over the dedication of complete strangers to make this happen for me ! Definitely what my “wish” would be is to meet Carrie Underwood in person and it’s HAPPENING on Thursday !

      • jen-cueva

        October 7, 2019 at 1:28 pm

        I am SO happy for you and excited! I cannot wait to see and read all about it! It is so cool that your Cardio made this happen! Hug him for me, too. You certainly deserve to have the best time of your life!!!

      • Colleen

        October 7, 2019 at 4:40 pm

        Wait…what? WHAT! @brittany-foster you’re going to meet Carrie Underwood…on Thursday?! Oh my gosh! That is beyond exciting! How did this come about?

      • jen-cueva

        October 7, 2019 at 6:39 pm

        Hehe- Colleen, it was hilarious how this showed up in my email notifications. You’re like ” wait…what?? ”. I can’t wait to test all about Thursday and Carrie.

        So true, Colleen, often that fear is always there if you’ll be readmitted or not. Busy week with follow-ups and Carrie Underwood, Brittany. I hope that you’ll be able to get some breaks in between.

      • Brittany Foster

        October 7, 2019 at 9:33 pm

        It’s so exciting. My cardiologist actually worked on making it happen for me with one of my good friends that I met through the heart conference that runs a heart group. They were both so amazing at making this dream of mine a reality. He knew I was going through so much this year and wanted something good to happen and one day in the office I was like “get me to meet Carrie Underwood ” and they somehow pulled it off!

      • Colleen

        October 8, 2019 at 1:40 pm

        Brittany, that is amazing! I am super excited for you! Can I guess what your next column will be about? LOL!

      • Colleen

        October 7, 2019 at 4:38 pm

        Brittany, the follow ups are in some ways more exhausting than being in the hospital! I think it takes so much energy out of the patient to get up and dressed, drive in for the appointment, answer a lot of the same questions over and over again…not to mention the fear of being told, “I think we should admit you again.”

      • Brittany Foster

        October 7, 2019 at 9:30 pm

        That is definitely one of my biggest fears. Usually I admittedly go into some appts trying to appear better than how i actually am because I don’t want to be in the hospital again. Even though I know I should have been there it just kind of felt like a waste because they didn’t end up taking my tube out like I wanted them to and I didn’t even get any information about my last test. I literally left the hospital vomiting into a bucket and not in good condition but there was nothing they could do for me.

      • Colleen

        October 8, 2019 at 1:43 pm

        Brittany, that is awful! It sounds like that could have easily been a phone call instead of them making you come in. I don’t know how you deal with the vomiting. I am such a baby when I throw up…to me it’s the worst. I think about what you are going through every day and I feel so bad for you!

      • Brittany Foster

        October 8, 2019 at 2:48 pm

        It’s one of the biggest struggles I’ve ever faced with my health, honestly. Every day is a challenge but I make it through. Definitely getting by on the bare minimum right now, but still getting by so that’s all that matters. Throwing up is the worst and I hate every second of it
        Usually it is undigested food and not that acidic when it comes up thankfully so I don’t get much of the burning feeling unless it is sitting in there for awhile before I get sick. Hoping one day the vomiting will slow down for me and that things will make a turn around but as of right now there isn’t much that any doctor can do for me unfortunately.

  • Carol Volckmann

    October 8, 2019 at 1:12 pm

    Brittney, I agree with Colleen, the follow up appointments really take a toll om me. They are exhausting. The anxiety of making sure you ask all the questions you want, the anxiety of trying so hard to listen but understand as well – it all goes so fast and after the appointment, I realize what I forgot to ask. Even though I know and really love my team, I am so done in afterwards all I want to do is get home into bed and sleep. It usually takes me 2-3 days to feel normal ( whatever that is). After my hospital stays, just getting out if there, breathing actual air, crawling into my own bed, and have special ice cream – just being in my own space makes it easier to begin to recover.
    Have a fantastic time Thursday!! You deserve the very best!

    • Colleen

      October 8, 2019 at 1:49 pm

      Carol, do you find thinking about what you are going to do when you get home is helpful. For example, when I would take my son to multiple appointments in a day, especially when he wasn’t feeling well, I would remind him of the comforts of home. “On the way home I will get you a starbucks and you can go straight to bed, snuggle up with Mellow (his dog) and watch TV until you fall asleep.” Sometimes just reminding him that there will be an end to the stress of the day would help him battle through the appointments.

    • Brittany Foster

      October 8, 2019 at 2:41 pm

      Thank you so much, Carol. I am so so so excited about Thursday and can’t wait for this experience! Going to the concert was enough to keep me pushing forward this year but actually getting to meet her in person just brings the biggest smile to my face ! I haven’t been able to stop smiling and feeling so happy about it since I found out last week that I was officially going.

      You’re so right about those follow up appointments and how it takes 2 to 3 days to just recover from a hospital stay for you. It takes my body AND my mind a long time to recover and usually I spend more time trying to get my mind to cooperate including being able to get to sleep at night and destress. All the physical trauma can make it harder

  • Carol Volckmann

    October 8, 2019 at 2:01 pm

    Thank you Colleen, I think that would help. Thinking ahead – looking forward to what I or my husband thinks will be a treat would help. You have been through so much with your son. I cannot imagine going through this with my child! Thank you again.

    • Colleen

      October 8, 2019 at 2:08 pm

      You’re welcome Carol. It’s always good to hear from you in the forums. Please keep us updated on how you are doing.

  • Carol Volckmann

    October 8, 2019 at 4:44 pm

    Brittney, we will all be thinking about you Thurs night! Have fabulous time – know you will. Would love to hear about it when you get a chance!
    Lots of LOVE.❤

    • Brittany Foster

      October 8, 2019 at 5:34 pm

      I can’t wait to share more about Thursday night with everyone here! I am sure my next column post will be about it. I am still in such awe of the kindness of complete strangers to make this happen for me. It has been my dream to meet her for so long and it is FINALLY happening all thanks to some pretty wonderful people ! I will be sure to post pictures and so much about it ! I’m sure I won’t be able to stop talking about it .

  • jen-cueva

    October 9, 2019 at 11:37 am

    So pumped and excited for you, Brittany! Almost “Carrie” time!!!!

    @colleensteele, such a great tip. I often have plans for my treatment and depending on how tired I am if I follow through.@Carol says, often my husband has a treat for me planned. Although, I am usually the one who pics it after his suggestions, Hehe

    Today, I am in between appointments, my daughter is with me as my “Uber”, or as I say, “Driving Ms. Daisy”, Hehe

    Busy week, too, so I do not even know how @Brittany manages it all. She must not sleep much at all, well besides she is just Superwoman!! I am trying to play catch up from yesterday.

    • Brittany Foster

      October 9, 2019 at 12:38 pm

      I’m so so so excited too! And LOL Jen I am definitely not Superwoman but thank you for that compliment haha! I run off my nervous energy. My days are fueled by my anxiety haha. Anxiety is my super power because it keeps me moving and constantly busy
      It all catches up to me at the end of the week or end of the day but while I can, I try to do what I can do! Lol!

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