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  • Do you experience trouble regulating your emotions?

    Posted by Brittany Foster on December 10, 2019 at 3:49 pm

    Sometimes, when I am going through a particularly hard time physically, I have a hard time regulating my emotions. I have noticed myself having bouts of outward anger and frustration, sadness, and anxiety that feels difficult for me to control. I usually need a few hours (up to a day) to process my feeling in order to make sense of things and feel okay again.

    I have noticed patterns when my emotions feel like they are starting to escalate. Usually they feel more out of my control if I am having a physically difficult day or few days. It begins to feel really overwhelming.

    Something that helps me to get my emotions in check is to write about my thoughts and feelings. This helps me process why I may be feeling the way I am and allows me to self reflect.

    Do you have trouble regulating your emotions? Have you noticed a pattern of when these feelings may get worse? What helps you manage this?

    Brittany Foster replied 5 years, 2 months ago 4 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Colleen

    December 10, 2019 at 5:49 pm

    Well, you already know how I feel about writing your thoughts and feelings down. I’m all for it and believe it to be very therapeutic.

    That isn’t my son’s cup of tea though. When he is having a bad, emotional day, he prefers to be left alone. He will lock himself in his room and lose himself in a video game.

    As I mentioned in a previous post, he doesn’t drive, so sometimes he will also ask me to take him for a drive. He likes to put headphones on, listen to music and stare out the window. He finds it very calming and I believe it helps him clear his thoughts. I don’t talk during those drives. I just let him enjoy the peace and relax.

  • Brittany Foster

    December 11, 2019 at 1:43 pm

    I am definitely similar in how I handle things. I need to come to my own conclusions about a lot and can’t feel like I am being forced into something or that I don’t have control over a situation. Feeling out of control of my own body is a big trigger for me mentally and physically and it really sends all of my emotions into overdrive. I can go from extremely angry and upset to sad and crying and then to very anxious and irrational. But having that time for myself to think things through has always helped me come back to reality.

  • V.R. Peterson

    December 12, 2019 at 2:46 pm

    I had a difficult time last year, after I got hit by a truck while I was walking through a parking lot. I wasn’t permanently injured, and nothing was broken, but I had some major PTSD that lasted for quite awhile (mostly because I neither knew nor remembered exactly what happened). I couldn’t sleep for almost a month, and I hyperventilated a lot. I discovered meditation helps a lot. Both HeadSpace.com and Calm.com helped quite a bit. They both have premium content, but you can access free content from both sites. They both have phone apps if you prefer laying down while you’re meditating.

  • Denise K Thompson

    December 12, 2019 at 6:07 pm

    The first thing I was warned of after being diagnosed, was that stress kills faster than our disease. I started, almost immediately to catch myself and calm myself when things like politics would get me going. My heart is irregular and pounding without anger & fear, so compounding my bodies reaction with emotional stresses seemed insane….better said than done. This week alone I have found myself twice trying to yell over my husband with my new little frail voice. I almost felt I had to reclaim my dignity. I’ve felt that my impaired state has made it easy for those closest to me to run roughshod over me. There has to be a balance & I’m trying to find it.

  • Brittany Foster

    December 12, 2019 at 7:43 pm

    Thank you for letting us know about those apps for meditation. There is a girl that I like to listen to that instructs the meditations on youtube. A calming voice is usually enough to put me right to bed ! Sometimes I need to remind myself to take the time in a day to just breathe. It really helps to be able to relax the mind like that, and it is especially helpful for those that have a trauma history. PTSD can be triggered like life events like that, especially the ones that you are least expecting. So sorry that happened to you!

  • Brittany Foster

    December 12, 2019 at 7:46 pm

    It really is hard to find the balance. A huge thing that you’re doing is even just recognizing that you are getting overwhelmed and emotional. For me it helps to just leave a situation, do something alone, and them regroup. It can be hard to do in the moment especially when i am feeling really angry and frustrated about something. I often feel like I can’t just “let it go” without making myself heard. But sometimes if I keep things up I just end up making my feelings even more exaggerated. Do you find that taking time and space for yourself helps you to stay more grounded when you are feeling this way and feeling overwhelmed?

  • Denise K Thompson

    December 12, 2019 at 9:12 pm

    Brittany, I spend too much time retreating to avoid confrontation. Just lately I’ve felt like my lack of my usual engagement has been thought to mean I’m in agreement with truly offending comments and opinions. Wish I had a different life and could surround myself with like minds, but not yhe case. I realize my reactions are not unique, just don’t wanna lose myself. So, yes, I find that taking time and space for myself helps me ground, just need to maintain my principles & not walk on eggshells.
    Ps-tried to download a relaxation app that sprung fees on me. I stopped it in time. Comcast has ‘soundscapes’ that can be relaxing, with a faux fireplace. Just say it into the mic.

  • Brittany Foster

    December 13, 2019 at 12:03 pm

    I have seen those on the TV with the fireplace and the relaxing sounds that mimic a fire. Fire has always been something that relaxes me, especially the sound of it and the sound of a big bonfire. You definitely have to be aware of those hidden costs that can happen when downloading apps that are supposedly “free” on the phone. Usually there is a hidden fee.

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