• PH and the Flu!!!

    Posted by Brittany Foster on February 3, 2020 at 1:25 pm

    I am not one to complain about much, but the flu is just absolutely terrible this year ! I received my flu shot in the beginning of the season right when it came out. Over the weekend I started to feel just run down and tired and got really warm and sweaty just watching TV. I noticed I was feeling more tired over the last week but I thought it could just be because I had a procedure on Monday. To my surprise, I tested positive for Flu Type A which is the worst flu strain someone can get with underlying lung conditions.

    As a precaution I was put on Tamiflu and was told to rest for the next 7 days and take it as easy as possible while drinking as much fluids as I could tolerate. I have been throwing up often and unable to keep in much the last few days. Trying sips of Gatorade here and there but nothing is sitting right.

    Did you have the flu this year or previous years? What type flu did you have and how was it treated? How long did it take to resolve? I am going on day 3 today but I feel like I had it longer.

    Brittany Foster replied 4 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Colleen

    February 3, 2020 at 3:34 pm

    Brittany, I am so – so sorry to hear that you have the flu! At the risk of jinxing us, so far my family has dodged that bullet this year. My guess is once you are given the all clear of having the flu, it’s going to take a good week or so for you to bounce back. That’s been my experience in other years. I hope you recover from the worst of it soon.

  • Brittany Foster

    February 3, 2020 at 5:08 pm

    @colleensteele oh yes! I am already predicting it to be a longer recovery. I just had to go to the doctor’s today to get some cough medicine with codeine because I have been coughing so hard at night and just unable to sleep from all the discomfort that it is causing. But you’re right, even when we think our body is healed, it STILL needs rest.

  • Aunt Lizzie

    February 4, 2020 at 9:55 pm

    Hi Brittany – truly sorry to hear of your tussle with the Flu A strain. We are 6 months ahead of you here down-under and I had the same problem last July 2019. Had the flu shots but about a month later woke up with a truly racing heart – off to hospital – heart rate up and down, temp the same, finally got the diagnosis of Flu A. Tamiflu fixed me too. Funny thing was that the racing heart (which was scary) and bit of a temperature, was all I got. Hated the stay in isolation in hospital – food awful – noise awful. Glad to get home after 3 days for a proper rest. Wishes for a speedy recovery.

  • Brittany Foster

    February 5, 2020 at 8:58 am

    @auntlizzie I am glad that you were able to get out of that hospital and just rest ! It seems like your body probably needed that the most. One of my symptoms was actually the racing heart too. I felt like I was having palpitations and got really sweaty just sitting down and watching TV. I was glad that they were able to give me an explanation for why I felt the way I did. I am still fighting it off now and I am on day 4. I just feel so completely drained and tired. I probably need days of rest too.

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