Have You Completed An Advance Directive?
Several years back, when I was hospitalized, my medical team suggested that I complete some type of Advance Directives, Medical Power of Attorney, and other legal paperwork. A case manager came in from the hospital and discussed several options with my family and me. She left some informational pamphlets for us to review. After looking them over, I looked into an Advance Directive. This was simple, and I downloaded it from the state website. Most states should offer this online form. I took several days to look it over and fill out before heading to a Notary to sign and make copies.
Now, I have copies on file at the hospital that I go to and at my PCP’s office. I need to get copies to my other specialists. But, I also have copies with my current medication list in an envelope marked “Emergency Info.” This is located at my front entryway. I have copies of my medications in my wallet but not copies of these forms.
Although this is a sensitive and emotional topic, it is important. I credit my work in hospice care before PH with helping me most in completing mine. I would not want to leave my family with such difficult decisions. This is my why to complete mine. That and a big nudge from my medical team. Taking these steps is important for those of us of all ages.
Have you thought about or completed any paperwork to make your choices known in case of an emergency? I read an article last week discussing the importance of planning ahead for an emergency. This was meant for well-bodied individuals as well as those like us with PH and chronic illnesses. Sadly. I cannot seem to locate that one. If I do, I will certainly share it. It was helpful for those with small children. The NIH offers some education and tips on this sensitive topic.
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