Must Have A Caregiver To Receive A Transplant
My son received a heart and double lung transplant almost 6 years ago. There is a list of requirements one must meet in order to be listed for transplant. One of them is that you MUST have a primary caregiver and secondary caregiver.
This can get complicated, even with family members, when you receive a transplant out of state. You are required to live within close proximity to your hospital/clinic for at least 3 months. I quit my job and moved out to CA with my son for what turned out to be 4 months, while my husband and other son remained at home in WA.
Finding a caregiver who can commit to such huge responsibilities and sacrifice is not easy for many, especially when there isn’t immediate family who can help. A new member to the forums was denied transplant because a paid caregiver is not permitted.
Have you been declined transplant because you are unable to find a caregiver? Did you struggle with this requirement but eventually work it out, and if so, how? Share your experience.
I have attached a link about the requirements of a caregiver. It is for liver transplant but it reads the same as what we were told for my son’s heart and lungs.
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