Pulmonary Hypertension News Forums Forums Our Community Weekly Wins What Weekly Wins Can We Celebrate With You?

  • What Weekly Wins Can We Celebrate With You?

    Posted by jen-cueva on September 1, 2021 at 10:43 am

    Each week, we know that many of our lives can be hectic. Rather than caring for a loved one, or more, jobs, doctors’ appointments, etc., PH life is busy.

    We must celebrate the small victories, those small victories each day may be waking up and getting dressed for the day. This could mean taking your meds on time, getting kids back to class on time, etc.

    Whatever it may be, we want to celebrate these little weekly wins with you. So, let’s share what went right this week and celebrate together.

    I must say making my short family vacation and celebrating my daughter’s birthday last week was a huge win for me. It was a busy time, but I pushed through, knowing that I could rest as I goit home. Making more memories as I spent time with my lil’ fam is important and much needed. It has been almost a year since all 4 of us were together. This was before my COVID.

    I am grateful to have that time and am now home resting. I am taking it slow and while home and having a few more PJs days. That helps when my appointments this week are all virtual.

    I am reminding myself to maintain my boundaries and rest when I grow tired in the afternoon. This is usually by 3 PM. Resting and reading or doing nothing but breathing has been my little weekly wins, and I will continue to do this as I recover from that mini vacation.

    Dinners this week are simple salads and lean proteins with steamable whole grain rice and veggies. So, this is another weekly win.

    What about you? What is going well for you this week that you think of as a weekly win? No worries, it is only Wednesday, so there is time to share later this week, too.

    Remember, you are loved, you are enough, and you are doing an awesome job!

    jen-cueva replied 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Colleen

    September 1, 2021 at 3:45 pm

    @jenc you have a gift for making people feel better about themselves. I appreciate the encouragement in this post and am delighted with your own update.

    Your heart must feel so full right now after the special time you just spent with your family. Proud of you for taking it easy and eating well since you returned. Fuel up and hopefully you can plan another trip with family again soon.

    My weekly win so far was seeing my cardiologist and having the heart monitor put on. For Cullen, I’m busy scheduling and working out logistics for a lot of appointments this month. It’s time for his yearly post-transplant follow-ups.

  • jen-cueva

    September 2, 2021 at 10:10 am

    Thank you, @colleensteele, for your kind words. But I feel the same way about you.

    Yes, my heart is happy and full; it was so nice to be with my family together again. So much has changed since I had COVID; I was nervous but did well. I cannot share how exciting this moma was to be there and spend KK’s birthday with them. Let’s not forget my grandpup, too.

    Yay, I am grateful and proud of you for making that appointment despite your busy schedule. Please let us know how was can best support you and Cullen as y’all prepare for those busy post-transplant appointments. How is he doing? School started back this week for him, right?

    Waking up and having another PJ day today is my win, and that I am OK with that. What weekly wins can others share? Let’s celebrate each small victory.

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