• Posted by Colleen on December 8, 2021 at 2:42 pm

    My son Cullen, flew out to NJ with me at the end of November to visit my parents for 2 weeks. The flight went well and the logistics was a lot easier than when he had PH and needed O2 in order to fly. But the memory of being flown to the hospital several times when he had PH is a traumatic memory that resurfaced a few times during the flight. In a recent column I shared some of his experience flying with PH compared to now and tips on what helped  him stay calm.

    Here is the link to the column, “The Old Memories of Flying With PH Still Linger“.

    Other than the stress of needing oxygen for flying, how well do you mentally handle flying? What helps you feel relaxed and comfortable during flights?

    jen-cueva replied 2 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Roger Bliss

    December 8, 2021 at 10:15 pm

    Good question. I haven’t flown in a few years. I have been wondering how I could get my Tyvaso inhaler on the plane. It has distilled water in it and I would need to carry some distilled water with me. I know they frown on liquids. I am curious how others do it.

    Oxygen??? Haven’t thought about it. How do I know if I need oxygen on a plane? I have driven at altitudes up to 5,000 ft with no problems.

    Way cool you guys got to meet Bush!! Glad you guys did ok visiting your parents.

  • jen-cueva

    December 9, 2021 at 11:40 am

    Wow, @colleensteele, I can’t begin to imagine the emotions that brought on for you and Cullen both. How did you do? Were you able to relax a bit more knowing that he was doing OK?

    I love the count to 10 trick that Cullen used. On my last flight, which was to San Diego in August. I did OK going, but on the way home, about halfway, I started fidgeting in my seat and could not sit still. Thankfully it was only Manny and me on our row., I didn’t take my pulse oximeter, so I tried increasing my oxygen. Manny started noticing, and he began to worry. I then tried to take an Ativan to see if it was anxiety. That didn’t help. I then reminded myself that we only had an hour left and so on. I tried closing my eyes with no relief. I was so grateful to get off the plane.

    I’ve experienced symptoms of hypoxia while flying before but not usually this jittery. I think this may be related to my neurological issues.

    I found that needing paperwork was needed, and getting through security was much quicker than it was several years ago when I flew to my MIL’s funeral.

    Like you, we always arrive early because I hate being rushed. Plus, they board us at the beginning.

    I’m thrilled that Cullen could fly and visit his grandparents with you. I know that everyone must have been excited. Enjoy making each of those memories.

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