Pulmonary Hypertension News Forums Forums Our Community Upcoming Procedures What is on your medical calendar for January?

  • jen-cueva

    January 7, 2025 at 10:02 am

    Happy New Year to our PHenomenal PH News forum members. We are grateful to celebrate another year with you all.

    For those who recently joined, we are happy you found us and hope you will find this a close group where you can share your upcoming doctor appointments. Are there any appointments, tests, or other events on your calendar this month you would like our support?

    Unlike telling others who have no clue how PH impacts our lives, we’ve been there or in something similar, and we share our experiences to help.

    I have labs this month, my nephrologist next week, and a rheumatologist later this month. The one thing I’m not looking forward to starting again is a medical deductible. Does anyone else relate?

    @Colleen Do you or Cullen have any appointments this month? When do you follow up with your cardio?

    • jen-cueva

      January 15, 2025 at 4:14 pm

      Hey y’all, how are the appointments going for you this month?

      Yesterday, I met with my nephrologist, and it went ok, not excited, but we have a short term plan. My kidney function was a tad worse than last, but not but a few points away. It still tends to stay around stage 3-4 kidney disease. She is also ordering iron infusions and thinks that may be adding to my increased fatigue and pain.

      She is also concerned about my weight loss within a year or less. Gaining weight is just more challenging for me—I thought I would never have that issue. Increasing the protein, smoothies, and juices in my diet will hopefully provide more nutrients to my body.

      Repeat labs late next week. That’s all for now. Let’s hear how your appointments are going; we want to send you postcode thoughts and celebrate wins with you, too.

  • jen-cueva

    January 23, 2025 at 5:18 pm

    Ok, PHriends, who has had appointments or tests this last few weeks of January? Would you like some support with them? Does anyone have anything you want to update us on?

    I was supposed to have my labs drawn again tomorrow for my nephrologist, but we decided to wait until midweek next week to do them.

    • Colleen Steele

      February 3, 2025 at 8:14 pm

      My late update is that Cullen got new tubes in his ears. He had tubes placed almost 10 years ago and it astonished everyone how long they remained in and functional. But over the holidays he developed a severe ear infection and it turned out the tubes finally gave out. New ones are in and working well.

      • jen-cueva

        February 6, 2025 at 4:16 pm

        Oh goodness, @Colleen , I’m sorry to hear that Cullen’s tubes were also causing trouble over the holidays. Thankfully, he has the new tubes in his ears and is improving.

        You all certainly can’t catch a break. Please ensure you take time each day for yourself, my friend. You’ve done all you can, and then you’ve done more when caring for your family. Extra love, hugs, and prayers continue to be with you all. 💜

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