Pulmonary Hypertension News Forums Forums Support Groups Pediatric PH Does PH Affect Your Friendships?

  • Brittany Foster

    September 17, 2019 at 11:15 am

    I have found that PH and having surgeries so frequently really has let me to find out the hard way who my true friends are. It was unfortunate to see the ones that have been in my life for so long really take a back seat in our friendship when things weren’t going well for me. It honestly doesn’t take much for me to know that someone cares. I have a handful of amazing best friends and I wouldn’t change that for the world. As I got older I realize that true friendship is what matters and have a handful of true friends is better than a dozen fake ones. I am grateful for the times my friends have spent with me in the hospital even if it was just to hold my hand or watch a movie with me. Even when I was miserable and didn’t want anyone there, they show up anyways and it is the difference between a good day in the hospital and a bad day. They know when I need the support and they know when I need my space. I do a lot of low key type things with my friends like getting lunch or dinner, watching a movie together, getting coffee at some of our favorite spots and talking for hours. It is hard when I’m not the “party Britt” anymore. I feel like once I lost that persona, a lot of my friend group changed too. And at the end of the day, I am PERFECTLY okay with that!

    • Colleen

      September 18, 2019 at 1:22 pm

      Brittany, for a moment I thought that was my son’s comment because you expressed just what he feels. I think with or without PH he would have always been the quiet observer at a party but I do think his friend list might have been a little longer. Now he is very selective about who he hangs out with. He doesn’t have the time or energy for artificial friends. He has his best friend and a few others he value’s and that is more than enough for him.

      • Brittany Foster

        September 18, 2019 at 2:50 pm

        My thoughts exactly, Colleen! I totally get where your son is coming from. In high school I had a close group of about 15 friends. When you invited one of us, the rest would just go. It was an overwhelming amount of people to be honest and I only speak to 2 of them now. I just don’t have time for the ones that haven’t reached out to me during the worst of times. I don’t think friendships should be one sided and they certainly shouldn’t disappear when someone is going through their worst. The people that treat me as an afterthought do NOT get a second thought from me anymore. I am done playing those games.

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