Recent surgery and upcoming procedures
As some of you may know, I was just recently in the hospital for a week. After a week I am finally able to go home today. I had post surgical complications going on. My esophagus was reconstructed and rotated in the middle of May and my body is having a really hard time adjusting to everything that was done. I had a lot of motility testing done that showed that I have slow movement (to very little movement naturally) in my esophagus and also in my stomach. The doctors gave me a medication to help with relaxation of the muscles of the GI tract and I also had to get my G-tube (stomach feeding tube) replaced to make up for the calories that I can’t take in orally or if I have days when I need to give my esophagus a break and just have to do clears or liquids.
This seems like a big setback, but I am glad that the doctors are now going to be following me that are part of the motility team that works directly with my surgeon that reconstructed things. There is no more compression and no more areas of narrowing as there was before which is AMAZING news, but there will be a lot of upcoming procedures done to the bottom of the stomach to open up that area as much as possible to allow food to be pulled down by gravity quicker.
Has anyone dealt with motility problems? were you placed on a feeding tube in case you need supplemental nutrition because of your condition? Anyone ever have botox injections into their stomach to help with releasing food easier? This is also something that is on the horizon for me in the near future. My follow up is already in two weeks.
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