• Treadmill for Cardio Improvement

    Posted by Andrew Strunk on March 15, 2018 at 10:05 pm

    I have found interval training on a treadmill can provide huge benefits to cardio output. I jog for 20 seconds them have 40 sec rest total 60 seconds. You can start the treadmill on as lower speed as you are comfortable and within your physicians recommended exercise capacity and build up gradually. I used to have the treadmill on a speed of 8 (slow jog) and did 10 reps. Over a period of about six months and doing this exercise 3 times a week I can now do 20 reps at a speed of 10.5 which is a huge improvement for me. I know find many daily tasks easier with an improved cardiac capacity. When I was diagnosed in 2008 my right side heart pressure was 90 it is now around 60 and for a PH patient I feel the best I ever have. Good luck to all the PH patients out there. This is my first post from Australia and I would love to compare notes with anyone.

    Clare Lawrence replied 6 years, 11 months ago 7 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • rosemary martin

    March 16, 2018 at 2:22 pm

    Andrew are you on oxygen? I am. I am waiting to see if i can get into the pulmonary rehab so i can use the treadmill using high oxygen output which they would provide.

  • Andrew Strunk

    March 17, 2018 at 3:45 am

    No not on oxygen

  • John Meehan

    March 20, 2018 at 6:59 pm

    I am recently diagnosed 2 months ago. Interested in being as fit as is possible. Regarding treadmill use, I am beginning an out patient program next week. I am curious about your age and prior condition. I am 67 and a life-long athlete who attained decent success from Little League,lettering in 4 sports in HS.As time passed I had to give up sports like football, basketball, baseball, and boxing
    Took up racket sports like tennis,badminton etc.And finally golf, a most difficult game that I spent many hours for years to shoot in the 70’s. Now, I want to funnel all my time and energy fighting PH.
    IF I can help anyone, I will. I have worked in helping professions through out my life.
    Wishing all a good outcome.


  • Amy Peeples

    March 20, 2018 at 8:45 pm

    I was diagnosed 3/8/17 my pressure was 168. I had been sick for a very long time , undiagnosed . Once on medication I began working out . Over the past year I have worked my way up to running 5 miles in the morning and currently doing another 3 miles at night . I feel better then I ever remember feeling . I have benefited hugely from working out . I was so sick I fainted at my initial appointment with my pulmonologist . I did 2300 meters at my last six minute walk .

  • Andrew Strunk

    March 21, 2018 at 8:20 am

    That’s 1.15km per 3 mins ! That is not walking it is a very fast run so I think your numbers are wrong. If you are running g 8 miles per day I find it hard to believe you have Pulmonary Hypertension.

  • rosemary martin

    March 21, 2018 at 12:15 pm

    i am on oxygen. I have emphysema. Thinking there is n o way i can achieve half of these results. Doing preliminary intake next week for pulmonary rehab. I did the rehab 8 years ago. I am on oxygen 24/7.

  • Michelle Platt

    March 21, 2018 at 1:28 pm

    Good topic – I’m looking for FB too. I have started a rehab class x3/wk. I had only been doing Tai Chi & yoga for the 2 mos preceding. I am trying to figure out energy expenditure & post fatigue.
    My background is sport from kid age. 3 yrs ago we were training to go to Base camp & hike/bike/ climb/ski etc.
    2 yrs ago I got sick – Apr/16 ended in hospital with (bilateral Massiv PEs & DVT). Now I am still SOB, chest pain, can’t walk inclines/hills.
    The only activity I have done now
    Is walk my dog (about 1.5 hrs/day & more on weekends). I have good days & bad.
    Since Dec I have had some relief & started to exercise – yoga/tai chi. The rehab class does from warm to cool down. Includes 15 mins cardio; 15 mins strength; 15 mins core strength. My goal is to manage fatigue – I want (heart & brain) to exercise & I HAVE to work. Fatigue is my challenge.
    I’ve been reading about exercise with other chronic diseases.
    They have stated it’s about heart rate (HR) = < 60 % max HR & no more than increase in length of activity than 10%.
    In my experience btw 90-95 HR, I get SOB. When my HR gets higher, I get ++ fatigued.
    So in my class my cardio has been 15 mins bike = HR 108-111 bpm.
    15 mins treadmill walk = 100-102 bpm.
    I’ve now increased the bike to 20 mins- same HR.
    My fatigue seems to be ok.
    Last wk they tried intervals = 5 mins cardio/ 5 mins strength/ 5 mins cardio etc. Awful! Just feeling better today (1.5 wks later).
    For now I will continue with 15 or 20 mins at those HR’s & increase a min/wk.
    I’m interestead in your thoughts.
    Im unable to run at this point. But would like to hike again as my end goal (we live at about 4500 ft – so my lungs work already for that altitude) just need to get them to adjust to higher….
    BE. Breathe. live now.

  • Andrew Strunk

    March 21, 2018 at 9:50 pm

    Hi Rosemary. I think the important thing all patients need to understand is that we all have differing degrees of Pulmonary Hypertension or other related conditions that effect each of us in many ways. If you are on oxygen 24/7 your base “fitness” level is lower than those of us that are fortunate enough not to need it. Try and find your base level of excercise with the advice of your Specialist and slowly build from there. Good luck.

    • rosemary martin

      March 22, 2018 at 2:07 pm

      Andrew, thanks for responding. What does amp mean? how is the base level determined?

      • Kathleen Sheffer

        March 27, 2018 at 12:47 pm

        @rosemary44 your base level Andrew is talking about is essentially the amount of exercise you feel comfortable doing now before starting pulmonary rehab. Noticing the symptoms you experience will help you know how much exercise you can handle and when to stop. My specialist told me not to worry about feeling short of breath while exercising, but to stop if I felt dizzy or light-headed. That would mean I had reached my limit. Your doctor will help you identify your limit. You may be able to gradually increase the amount of exercise you can do before reaching that limit. It will probably not be running a mile (I could never run when I had PH), but it might be walking a block without oxygen, or walking a mile with oxygen. Pulmonary rehab will also help you determine the amount of exercise you can do comfortably and monitor your vitals to ensure you are doing it safely.

      • rosemary martin

        March 27, 2018 at 12:56 pm

        thanks for the info, Kathleen –

  • Andrew Strunk

    March 21, 2018 at 10:04 pm

    Hi Michelle. Sounds like you were very fit before you go ill. What’s your condition and if you don’t mind me asking your age. I am a strong believer that interval cardio training ie shorter cardio bursts with rests in between within your own limits will give you more improvement than a 5 min max cardio session. You can get your heart rate up higher with the interval training and this is how you will improve your cardio capacity. Make sure you speak with your Specialist to establish your base before you start doing the excercise.

  • Michelle Platt

    March 22, 2018 at 3:36 pm

    Andrew – Being worked up for CTEPH, but CTED. More tests in May. I’m 49 yrs. yes, very active & used to do interval & cross training all the time to improve my cardio. I have just found that it’s what triggers my fatigue. I was chatting wi5 the physio& kinesiologist yesterday at my Rehab class. As I agree the best increase I used to see – were via intervals.
    I’m going to try something different. Start with 4 mins HR 110 bpm + 2 mins 90 bpm x 4 sets. That will keep me within the time & as it appears to be my HR that is linked to the fatigue – I will use those parameters to increase the intensity.
    Thank u for reminding me of how important intervals were & trying something different.
    Question for you – do you think it was just the exercise that decreased your PAP or what other management interventions did you include? If u don’t mind me asking… I am really trying to figure out this post energy expenditure fatigue. So unpredictable. Thanks

  • Andrew Strunk

    March 22, 2018 at 10:33 pm

    Hi Rosemary. You will need to establish your safe base level of excercise with your Specialist. Good luck.

  • Clare Lawrence

    April 3, 2018 at 8:34 pm

    I was diagnosed in February 2015, I’ve never been able to run as I would end up so breathless I’d eventually collapse. Since getting my PAH under control I very recently started ‘Couch to 5K’ I now run on the treadmill for 30 minutes every other day and feel very proud x

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