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What Do You Enjoy Doing That Others Might Think Is A Waste Of Time?
Posted by Colleen on January 17, 2022 at 8:18 pmI read this quote yesterday, “If you enjoy wasting time then it cannot be a ‘wasted time’” (author unknown).
It made me think of another idiom, “One’s man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.
What do you enjoy doing that you have the impression others might think is a waste of time? What do you personally get out of your guilty pleasure? I say if it relaxes you and takes your mind off of PH and other concerns for a while, than it is NOT wasted time!
I enjoy an on-line game called “Hay Day”. Cullen got me into it many, many years ago when he was hospitalized prior to transplant. He no longer plays but I have never stopped. It’s a farming game that I can play but can still pay attention to what is going on around me. When I can’t make my real life perfect I enjoy making my pretend farm just the way I like it.
There are other guilty pleasures but this one is my favorite way to waste time. What is yours?
Colleen replied 3 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 14 Replies -
14 Replies
Interesting yet true statement, @colleensteele. It’s been so long. It’s been so long. Years ago, several PHriends and I played Farmtown on FB; I think it was an App. Although it was with other PHriend, we would care for each other’s farms, etc., and also you could hang out and chat at someone’s farm. It took up a ton of my time, but I enjoyed it. Did you hear of this one before Hay Day? I noticed that you used the term “perfect to describe your farm. I, too, did the same, but now know that there is no perfect. We’re all perfectly imperfect, right?
I’m guilty of watching some reality TV shows when I want to distract myself from PH. Often considered trashy reality TV, it’s crazy and full of drama. But their drama is nothing to what we deal with daily, so it’s comical at times. We all think we have drama until we watch one of those shows. I also enjoy some comedy shows and movies because they make me laugh. Often these movies are Chick Flick themed and may include actors like Adam Sandler.
I skim Pinterest, mostly for the recipes, simple house trends, and classy but comfy outfits. Often, I save them, although I often forget that I have them. After doing this sometimes, I think about what I could be doing instead. Do you feel this, too?
Do we have any guilty hours per day on social media (SM)? Many enjoy SM for hours per day. I did years ago, but after being MIA on SM for about a year and then returning, I think I now need reminders to check on others on my SM. This isn’t tough to do.
@jenc I use to play Farmtown or something like it. I stopped because I became addicted so when Cullen asked me to play Hay Day I didn’t want to for that reason. But I find it more time manageable than the other game and fits well with my life. It’s a nice relaxing break for me throughout the day and now it belongs to a memory I don’t want to part with. I often think about me and Cullen playing it together while he was fighting for his life before transplant. I’m grateful for the peace we often found while playing it. I know I’m making a game sound like something deeply meaningful but in a way, it has been.
That makes sense. @colleensteele. It was a memory that you had with Cullen that was enjoyable for you both as such a challenging time. That is not a waste of time if it offers you peace of mind.
I like the hidden object, find the difference online games. Also word find games, and puzzles. I also love to read, but I think others that also love to read wouldn’t consider that a waste of time. Some family and friends have told me they don’t understand why I love being around the horses and why I still volunteer. I don’t really try to explain it any longer, I think you either have that connection to horses (or any animal) or you don’t. I’ve had a love of animals as far back as my memory can take me.
Colleen, for you and Cullen, I can tell from what you wrote that your game was/is deeply meaningful. Nothing wrong with that. Special memories.
Hi @dawnt, I don’t find any of your activities a waste of time. I believe I had mentioned before that I grew up round horses some. It was enjoyable back then. Plus, I know several PHriends who also worked with horses as therapy, which helped out the horses. Animals can be a way to destress, and they are so lovable.
Reading is something that I’ve always enjoyed. But had not been making time to do. I’m working on making more time to read books and joined my local library to get free online books.
The puzzles and hidden object games are both online? Are these apps? Manny watched the news a few nights ago, and some new online word game is the latest craze. I don’t recall the name. Do you or @colleensteele know what they may be since you both enjoy games on apps? I thought word games might help my post-COVID brain fog some.
@dawnt wow, it would never cross my mind that your affection for horses is a waste of time. The way I see it is that they need you and you need them and I think that kind of relationship is just as valuable as that among people.
Reading and playing puzzle games are good for the mind and soul so I don’t think they are a waste of time either. Keep at it and thank you for sharing!
@jenc, the games I play are online. I don’t do apps on my phone. I just do a search for ‘free online find the difference games’ or whatever I’m looking for.
@colleensteele, I never feel that time I spend with any animals is a waste of time. I can’t always say that when it comes to spending time in person with people – HA!
@dawnt I couldn’t help but let out a little snort at your “people” comment! I can relate!
LOL @dawnt, that’s too funny! Yep, spending time with animals is more relaxing than some people.
I’ll have to remember to look for some free online games or apps, etc. Thanks for sharing.
Hello everyone!
I think your classes are very useful! Many computer games develop the brain, isn’t it? Caring for horses and reading books is just great and very useful!
In addition to pleasant but useful activities (for example, reading), I also do not very useful ones. I used to like drawing pictures by numbers. Now I like to paint wooden figurines sometimes. I buy small flowers, cupboards, etc. in stores (they can be called, for example, “Plywood for Craft”). I’m just coloring it the way I want to. Then it won’t be needed anywhere, I’m just taking up time.
Certainly a useless activity is online-quizzes. When I don’t want to think at all and want to have fun, I do it. I go through stupid funny quizzes, like “what kind of pop star do you look like”, “what department would you study at Hogwarts”, “what kind of festive salad would you be”. It’s complete nonsense, but it’s fun sometimes.I hope that I didn’t make a lot of language mistakes in the description of these stupid classes.
LOL< @valeriekv, those online quizzes can be entertaining. I have taken a few in the past and am always amused at what they come up with. It's some algorithm, I'm sure. Painting and coloring are ways that many relax. I am a horrible artist, so I would not benefit anyone with my work. But I know many who do paint and then another one, which looks almost like stain glass when you're done, but it's pens or paint. You may know what I'm talking about. Have you seen those?
@valeriekv I forgot you mentioned the on-line quizzes. I’m cracking up because I just did one yesterday. I usually avoid the temptation but curiosity got the best of me. The question was: Which bad(bleep) woman are you in history? It popped up Vivien Leigh whose role among many was Scarlet O’Hara in “Gone With the Wind”. It included a quote, “Don’t consider my kindness as my weakness, the beast in me is sleeping not dead”.
I think she is pretty and I like the quote so I shared it to my FB wall. Someone couldn’t resist commenting that apparently she had a reputation for being promiscuous. I had not heard that rumor before. I was having fun. Why did they have to go an ruin it for me like that? LOL!
@jenc, @colleensteele these online quizzes are really such nonsense, but it’s fun! So, have you also encountered this? Colleen, how did some people dare to negatively evaluate this quote? They have to go through this online quizzes too, lol.
Jen, are you talking about drawing on glass? I’ve seen tubes of paints that need to be painted on glass. It turns out something like a stained glass window. Or do you mean something else?
My family and I have been trying for several days to come up with a useless, but pleasant activity. It’s difficult! Almost all activities turn out to be useful in the end.
@valeriekv the quizzes really are nonsense – but sometimes nonsense is just what I need. LOL!
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