Pulmonary Hypertension News Forums Forums PH Care and Treatment Diagnosis Information and ​General​ ​Questions With the scorching summer months ahead, are you ready to beat the heat?

  • With the scorching summer months ahead, are you ready to beat the heat?

    Posted by jen-cueva on June 27, 2023 at 11:08 am

    Summer is finally here but beware of the heat, especially when outdoors. Extended exposure to the sun may exacerbate PH symptoms, leading to dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke.

    Here are some top tips to beat the heat and be summer-ready!

    *Stay hydrated. If you’re on a fluid restriction, consider ice cubes and popsicles. When in season, I enjoy high water-content fruits and vegetables, like watermelon and cucumbers.
    *Wear sunscreen. Certain medications cause sun sensitivity.
    *Stay indoors in the AC. Plan activities outdoors in the morning or evening, usually cooler.
    *Pace yourself, especially those who plan summer vacations and want to participate in family activities. Sometimes, I find myself sitting out and resting.

    With the scorching summer months ahead, are you ready to beat the heat? Let’s explore some fun ways to stay cool!

    Erik replied 1 year, 8 months ago 7 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Randolph Reynolds

    June 27, 2023 at 3:40 pm

    Heat – suddenly it is upon us, a little later than usual but we are hitting the low 90s this week.  Even when I was much younger it took some time for my body to adjust to the heat. Growing up in Alabama we used to compare sun tans.  When I was in AF Pilot Training the old jet trainers would be baking in the sun and we had to get up on the top to check the oil and open the tip tanks to check the fuel level.  (Yes they were the first jet trainers) You had to wear gloves and stay clear of the cap on the fuel tanks to avoid getting doused with jet fuel.

    Now with PAH I seem to get more listless.  Of course the old ‘bod’ isn’t what it used to be.  I just picture sun bathing with my oxygen tank (Milliscent) – that is out of the question.  I just talked to my friend in Texas who helps me publish my books and it is 108 there!  This is not man made it is just nature.

    Jen I hope you have pleasant breezes off the shores.

    • Sherryl Leverett

      June 28, 2023 at 9:50 am

      Hi Jen

      • jen-cueva

        June 29, 2023 at 11:02 am

        Hi @leverettsherrylgmail-com, did you plan to add more? Or were you saying Hi? How are you doing?

    • jen-cueva

      June 29, 2023 at 11:11 am

      Ugh, I was born in Alabama, @jimi. As a young kid, I would burn quickly and be attacked by mosquitoes. I must have been too sweet back then, hehe.

      Like you, my body takes time to adjust. Our temps here in SD have been under 80 in my area. I am close to the beach and get the sea breezes to cool things off. I believe we have made it to 74 degrees.

      You made me laugh talking about sunbathing with Millicent! I wear my oxygen with my swimsuit. Yes, I get some strange looks sometimes.

      You mention Texas; we are headed to Texas for the July 4th holiday to visit family. I am so not looking forward to that heat and humidity. But I haven’t seen my parents since March 2022. I tried hard to wait for the cooler months, but they are getting older. I can sense changes in my dad talking to him each Sunday.

      I’ll be happy to see family, but I bet I’ll be more comfortable returning to the cooler SD!

      I hope you stay hydrated and in the AC as much as possible.

    • Sherryl Leverett

      June 29, 2023 at 2:49 pm

      Hi Jen,

      I’ve been reading your blog for years!

      I was planning on going to our pool today, but the wildfires smoke has reached Atlanta!  I live in the city and the smog looks awful!

      I have tried to respond to your posts over the years, but for some reason, my responses would not post!  It’s working now!

      I love reading about everyone and learning about new procedures and medications!  I’ve had IPAH and HF for 5 years in July.  That is when I was diagnosed.

      I hope everyone has a great 4th of July and stay safe!

      • jen-cueva

        June 30, 2023 at 11:10 am

        Hi @leverettsherrylgmail-com, I’m so grateful you have found my columns helpful through the years. But I’m sorry you could not post for some reason. I am happy to see you can post now.

        Atlanta, wow, the smoke has reached you, too? I’m sorry that will certainly affect your breathing. The pool is a great place to cool off if the smoke clears.

        Thanks for joining us, and I’m so happy you finally reached us! If you ever have issues posting, email me @jen[email protected] or connect with Colleen. I’m going on vacation to Texas, yes, ma’am, that heat wave, and will return July 6th.

        Have a safe and relaxing 4th, my dear PHriend!

  • Aunt Lizzie

    June 28, 2023 at 11:04 pm

    Hi Jen – great subject, even though here in Australia I am at present freezing my butt off.  However – I’m always surprised when I see TV reports of heatwaves, that people are walking around WITHOUT A HAT.  I never go out in Summer without a hat.  We are more geared to hot summers down here, so it’s a given – WEAR A HAT when outside.   Another Tip I’d like to offer, is if you have windows that get the full sun, try putting some reflective film on the window.  You can do it yourself if you’re careful, and it costs very little, but can make a whole lot of difference to inside temperatures.  Of course landlords might object, so you can put the film on a cut-to-size piece of clear plastic first and use a couple of pieces of blu-tack to hold it against your window glass.    That’s enough DIY for today – stay well everyone. Cheers.

    • Colleen

      June 29, 2023 at 12:35 am

      Awesome tips @auntlizzie! It’s true, especially in America, we stress the use of sunscreen but fail to emphasize the value of wearing a hat!

      Thank you for the reflective film for windows suggestion. I live in WA state where the older homes especially, do not have air-conditioning because we seldom need it. Every summer we always get at least a few weeks of blazing heat and my house becomes unbearable. We did find keeping the blinds down help keep the rooms cooler so I can see where the reflective film would help.

    • jen-cueva

      June 29, 2023 at 11:15 am

      Hi @auntlizzie. Too funny when some are warning about heat waves, and you’re freezing over there.

      You make an excellent addition to wearing an ore since hat in the sun. I have several large sunhats and different colors of UV visors for the outdoors. We also usually carry a beach umbrella to the beach. I love the sun, but Manny prefers the shade. So I do some of both. Of course, we both use sunscreen.

      The DIY sunshade on the windows is a great idea, especially if you suggest renters. Do you do a lot of DIY projects?

      • Aunt Lizzie

        June 30, 2023 at 12:50 am

        DIY projects?  Funny you should ask. I did lots when we first moved into our nearly-100 yearold brick house.  I researched the how to and practised on our old outdoor dunny, then re-pointed/mortared all the bricks down one side of the house up to about a metre.  Now the other side desperately needs some work.  Not sure if I’m up to it tho’. Anyway, my eldest step-daughter has parked her new gigantic motorhome down our driveway for now, so let’s hope we don’t collapse onto it – LOL

        I like painting walls and ceilings too – we have fancy plaster ceilings that a plasterer suggested getting rid of and putting up new plain ones.  No way – the roses and decorations are too lovely.   However, I have slowed down a bit as I attempt to get rid of some junk we’ve managed to accumulate over the years.  PH?  What’s that?  Heart Failure – ditto?   No time for that.

      • jen-cueva

        June 30, 2023 at 11:13 am

        Wow, @auntlizzie, I’m inspired by all of your DIY tasks! I am so not creative, minus my writing. My hubby is usually the one to do DIY projects; I often pick designs and colors. But in our condo, not so much.

        Haha, about the motorhome!

        You keep on with your positive mindset! As you know, not only does it help you, it allows others to see they can be inspired.

  • Jimi Mcintosh

    July 10, 2023 at 8:27 am

    I am trying to beat the heat, staying hydrated and not exceed 40 oz water in 24 hours. Craving water, ice, and trying to get things done. outside. I have lost over 70 lbs , my 48 snd 50 pants are too big, wearing 38-40 now. You stare challenges in the eye, do your best.  Considering a ramp on the house for the wife.

    • jen-cueva

      July 10, 2023 at 1:10 pm

      Hi @jimi, staying hydrated when on limited fluids is challenging. Like you, I always struggle more in the summer because I crave ice and water. Between that craving and watermelon and cucumbers, it isn’t easy. But anything is possible, I agree!

      Do you buy popsicles or Italian ice to help with these cravings? That helps me, too.

      Wow, 70 pounds! Is that this year alone, or how long?

      It sounds like you continue to keep busy. Hopefully, that’s with working in spurts and resting in between.

      I know some insurance companies will cover the cost of a wheelchair ramp into your home. Maybe check with them if you haven’t yet.

      Take care, my buddy, and thanks for sharing a little update with us all. We are always here for you.

  • jen-cueva

    July 11, 2023 at 12:17 pm

    While we were in Texas last week, I was dying from that heat and humidity. This Southern girl has been in SoCal too long. We would be the only people to plan our visit during one of their hottest weeks so far!

    To keep cool, I stayed hydrated, limited alcohol, and took breaks (and naps) in the AC. I am so happy to be back HOME in San Diego. We are having a heatwave this week; it may reach 80 today. AC has been on since yesterday afternoon. It’s only the second time we have used our AC. I usually prefer fans and my windows open for the fresh air.

    How’s the heat in your area this week? Don’t forget to keep hydrated and take breaks indoors.

  • Erik

    July 11, 2023 at 3:16 pm

    Hi Jen
    I do all of my outside work early in the morning to try and beat the heat. I do enjoy the sun and being on a fluid restriction sucks. I have already gotten into some issues with too much fluid this summer, not a good feeling. As for the heat it is 92 outside where I live in Colorado and it’s 80 inside, yes the AC broke. going on for two weeks now. Me and the Kiddos (doggies) fill up the little pool and cool off that way. Going through some issues with blood tests, My primary car doctor is saying i could be anemic. Which I find funny being 6 foot 5. so we shall see.

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