PH Patient and YouTube Sensation Chloe Temtchine, Other PH Leaders to be Honored at PHA Gala

More support for pulmonary hypertension (PH) is expected to pour in next week during the Pulmonary Hypertension Association‘s (PHA) 2nd Annual O2 Breathe Gala. This year, one of the gala’s honored guests is YouTube sensation and singer-songwriter, Chloe Temtchine, who is currently sharing her own inspiring story as PH patient and advocate throughout an ongoing campaign.
The benefit is set on Thursday, November 6, 2014, at The Lighthouse, Pier 61, in New York City. The evening begins with a dinner at 7:30 p.m., and features performances from Ms. Temtchine from 8:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Hosting the event is Bloomberg TV contributing editor and MYOB on C-Suit TV host, Jeffrey Hayzlett, and Rolonda Watts of Celebrity Crowdfunding Magazine.
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“Chloe Temtchine is a gifted singer/songwriter who is also a pulmonary hypertension patient,” said Gina Parziale, Executive Director of New York/Philly Chapter. “She’ll be honored with the Be Brave Award. Shad Azimi, Managing Partner/Cofounder Vanterra Capital LLC, will receive The O2 Breathe Award. Our Robyn J. Barst Award will go to Evelyn Horn, MD, Director of Heart Failure and Pulmonary Hypertension at Weill Cornell, and we are so grateful to Jeffrey Hayzlett for donating his time to support the event and the cause.”
Last year, March 4, 2013, Ms. Temtchine was rushed to the hospital and was diagnosed with congestive right-heart failure. This comes after 5 years worth of misdiagnoses, before she was eventually determined to have severe PH. A little over a year from her diagnosis, she released a new motivational song entitled “Be Brave,” which is now available for download on iTunes and is the PH community’s new inspirational anthem. Affiliated pharmaceutical companies have taken to distributing 20,000 copies of the track to their clients, and Ms. Temtchine has committed to donating 50% of all proceeds to the PHA.
Another guest of honor is managing Partner and co-founder of Vanterra Capital LLC, Shad Azimi, who has contributed generously to the PHA’s mission to help PH patients cope with their disease and find a cure. Azimi graduated with a dual BS degree and Honors in Finance and International Business from the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia. He completed his MBA as a Beta Gamma Sigma graduate from Columbia Business School, and today serves as a board member at Vanterra, Cressey & Company Healthcare Fund, Mclarty Capital Partners, BTG Pactual Brazil Investment Fund, Jacob Ballas India Fund, and Vantem Composite Technologies LLC.
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Invited to receive the Robyn J. Barst Award is Evelyn M. Horn, MD, who is a professor of clinical medicine and director of the Advance Heart Failure, Mechanical Circulatory Support and Pulmonary Vascular Disease Programs at the Perkin Heart Failure Center at Weill Cornell Medical Center, NY and Professor at Columbia. Dr. Horn was selected by the PHA for being a time-tested leader in managing PH and furthering what is known and what can be done with this debilitating disease.
Those interested in the gala can purchase tickets and learn more about how to get involved through or by calling 646-568-2068.