30 Days of PH: Traveling With PH

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by Kevin Schaefer |

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Day 3 of 30 Days of PH⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ Topic: Traveling ⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ @Travelingwithoutboundaries shares her story and tips on travels. ⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ They say when you are diagnosed with PH, that there are things in your life you will need to change and may have to give up. When I was diagnosed with PH in January 2018, I was unwilling to give up my love of travel. I put most travel plans on hold with the goal of being able to fly again and travel to new cities with family or friends. ⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ With cardiac rehab, medication, careful planning, and my doctors’ permission, I was able to resume flying and traveling, and have visited some spectacular places. Since being diagnosed, with the use of a medical bag, extra medical supplies, travel insurance, pre-boarding, family/friend support, and planning, I have traveled to countless cities in the US, 6 European countries, and flown a total of 180 hours. ⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ The picture shown here is from this summer when I went with my best friend to Stockholm. I flew alone, spent one-day solo sightseeing, and she met me there and we spent 6 days exploring different areas of the city, trying traditional saunas, eating great food, and biking around the royal gardens. It was an amazing trip, and I look forward to my next travel adventure.⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ Traveling with PH is not always easy, there are definitely trials and errors that come with it, along with the unpredictability that comes with symptoms that may occur when away from your home base and known doctors. However, the preparations and planning make it worth it for me, since it allows me to experience new places with some of my favorite people, create everlasting memories and live life to the fullest. I now aim to share my tips, tricks, and advice for those with PH, as well as those who travel with them, to be able to travel like I do, without boundaries, and create fantastic memories of their own.⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ #30daysofPH⁣⠀ ⁣⠀ #travel

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