30 Days of PH: Treating Anxiety And Depression With Faith

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by Colleen Steele |

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Day 17 of 30 Days of PH⁣
Topic: Treating Anxiety And Depression With Faith

This is Ruby’s story

When Covid began, my anxiety and depression were finally well controlled by medications. I was playing cards with four ladies once a week and would play with a group of ladies on Thursday nights when I felt like getting dressed and going. I would attend church when I felt up to it and my husband and I would occasionally eat out and see a movie. I was getting out between 4 and 12 days a month. Then Covid hit.

Since then I’ve had bloodwork done 3 times, got my flu shot, and went to the dentist twice. The people at those places and my husband are the only ones with whom I’ve had contact since the beginning of the pandemic. My PH doctor said we could pick up food, but not eat in the restaurant, no travel, can’t see anyone I don’t see daily or visit family in other states, no manicures, pedicures, and no haircuts.

As the anxiety and depression grew again, I ran across (God showed me) a series of 5-10 minute devotionals on the 23rd Psalm by Max Lucado that focused on strength from God during Covid. These helped me increase my faith in God and I have watched everyone on several different topics since that time.  

Then a friend sent me the links to “A Faith that Leads to Emotional Health” by Rick Warren parts 1  and part 2.These included 10 specific strategies each supported with multiple Bible verses. Rick Warren has a whole series called A Faith that Works when Life Doesn’t. He says he can’t promise you won’t get Covid, but he can help you with the “dis-ease”. He started recording one sermon a week in March. I’m trying to watch two or three a week.

During this pandemic, I manage anxiety and depression with my faith in God. Reading the Bible, studying God’s word, being grateful for my blessings, and prayer keep my faith in God strong. I know you will be blessed when you watch these videos. 

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